Andrew Lias

I'd say that it's more of a misdirection. Barry doesn't state that he has PTSD, he just heavily implies it while, honestly, stating that there are things he can't talk about.

I take your point and I agree. I don't want Iris eliminated from the show; I want them to start writing her as a competent and reasonably likable character. The challenge is that they've done a bad job with her from day one and there haven't been any signs of improvement. I'd like to run back in time and have them do

Ah, I misunderstood your point. I thought that by "male centric" you were talking about the audience and not the cast.

I agree, and it's aggravating the hell out of me.

Ding, ding, ding! I love Joe, but this behavior goes well beyond paternalistic and all the way into patronizing. She's an adult. Let her evaluate the risk, herself.

Or the writers of Agents of SHIELD.

You're more kind than I. I would say that this is the season's first C episode. C+, to be sure, but a C all the same.

Of course it's my opinion. That's what we're sharing here. I'll agree that Laurel is better now that they've given her a spot on the team, but I think that she's still got a long way to go before I'd be willing to say that she's a *good* character.

Point of order: as soon as she started talking to the Flash, she freakin' blogged it in spite of him begging her not to. There's a LOT wrong with the characterization of Iris but, in this, at least, she's not being a hypocrite.

I do, too (both male and female). The problem is that I can't stand those people IRL.

The way that the other characters are keeping her in the dark is indefensible, but her reaction towards Eddie is equally indefensible and the blame for that is squarely on the writers of the show. I want Iris to be a great character, and I'm all for women of color with agency (it's one of the big reasons why I keep

And let's now even talk about Laurel. Every so often she'll have a moment of awesome and then she'll go right back to being this flat-out unlikable person.

I hate to agree with this but I think you've got a case. I love the show, but I the writers (both here and on Arrow) often get lost when it comes to writing women. They really could takes some lessons from AoS.

I try to be sympathetic to Iris but Barry basically told her that Eddie might be suffering from PTSD and her reaction is, TELL ME, TELL ME, TELL ME! That's actually a real dick move on her part.

Three women by the name of Agents May, Skye and Simmons would like to have a word with you about that.

I have to ask: if you've struggled to find reasons to watch it, then why, in fact, watch it? It's meant to be entertainment. If you're not feeling entertained, then it's clearly not the right show for you. Is there some thing that compels you to watch it in spite of the fact that the experience of watching it is,

I suppose that you could look at it like that, but that's not the way I see it. I suppose we'll just have to see how the writers handle it.

Yes, but I think that the converse is that Barry is allowed to try and thwart him so long as Barry doesn't try to imprison him, so it becomes more of a chess match between the two of them.

Kind of. The way I'm interpreting the agreement is that Barry will be able to try to thwart cold. He just won't try to put Cold in prison without risking having his identity blown. It's basically an uneasy semi-truce.

Barry made it clear that if Cold continues to kill people, Barry will stop caring about whether or not his secret is revealed, in which case Cold is going to have a lot less leverage against a guy that can just zip him into a cell. It's actually a fairly interesting truce of sorts. I like it.