Harry Caul's Apartment

Does this fan theory account for, you know, Bran suddenly becoming evil as fuck and killing all the people?

I kind of got on board with the later episodes of Iron Fist when the other K'un L'un guy showed up and I realized we're not supposed to think Danny is awesome, and that even the show realizes Danny is being a gigantic dick. But that awful casting and the laughable fight scenes…. yeah, it's a bad show.

It's definitely Ant Man, right?

How did they miss the obvious "Wahlberg's Dad is the nerdy one, Ferrell's Dad is the cool one" trope?

I mean, I didn't even want to play this game, but now I'm going to stream it.

Sorry, you guys, I own the rights to torches, pitchforks, sacks of doorknobs, and mobs.

"would try to do to her what it did to Peter Cushing in Rogue One."

Guarantee somebody in the meeting room has been saying "can we make it more of a Cash Lyft?"

How great is Michael Shannon in this video?

I feel like Red State could get reevaluated now that Tusk and Hosers keep setting Smith's floor lower.

This film was formative for me because it was easy to grab at the video store. I must have watched Kong eat that guy, like, a hundred times. Between this and old Raymond Burr explaining why Godzilla is asleep on top of a building (Godzilla 85?), I have fond memories of terrible D-list kaiju sequels.

That Rocket Man line has to be Tarantino, right?

Just a note: the word "Buffy" doesn't appear on the page until near the end of the first History paragraph, and so if you haven't seen the show (like me) and didn't know you were looking at the show's bosses (me again), it's pretty baffling until then.

The Rock used to sell it like a nuke went off in his jock.

Surprised it wasn't Valentine's Day counterprogramming

CGI seems to have ruined him. When the tools he had available weren't up to creating what he saw in his head, the results were charming and odd and homemade. Now it's just CGI Queen of Hearts, etc.

How… could would Putin undermine his reputation?

I scrolled and scrolled, getting increasingly worried In the Loop was going to be overlooked. Whew.

"he begged Whedon to make “Avengers 3 and 4, Hulk 3, Thor 3…."

Altuve's equivalent is clearly Ant-Man.