Harry Caul's Apartment

"that a Rey token (as in a game piece) "

Love that V is ranked higher than last. I watched V for the first time only a year or so ago in a back-to-back viewing of all of them over a couple of days, and couldn't believe that the movie has the reputation it has. I mean, it ain't great, but it's not garbage, either.

You gotta risk a stone to get two stones. That's Space Evil 101, yo.

D for Zachariah

Reports at the time are that it was Ridley who made that decision, that after he signed on he decided he wanted the movie to be more about archery and why is the Sheriff the hero again?

Right, I appreciated the attempt to include the Batmobile, but then they seemed to go in all the wrong directions trying to come up with stuff to do with it. Tank battles, no way. And I can buy the Riddler setting a little trophy in a trap somewhere, but an entire underground racing course?

When I read the headline, I assumed this was some kind of inevitable destination that The LEGO Movie has led us to. And then I remembered how good that movie was and I got cautiously optimistic that a tupperware movie could capture all the things we love about tupperware the brand in a safe, commercial, but slightly

You just nailed the plot of Insidious 2.

When I saw it, I sat in front of a group of teenagers coupled off on dates. When the clapping happened, one of the guys just got up, said "nope," and walked out. He left his date in her seat. I kept waiting for it to be a fake out where he came back with popcorn, but he stayed out.