
...shouldn’t it be ASOUE?

A Serial Event Of Unfortunateness?

Sounds terrible.

I’m with these (precious few) others. It’s not even close, in fact, and it’s the only 1 I physically own. It’s very much in the category of quality art that’s “_ for people who don’t like _.” I like The Muppets quite a bit, but Henson’s bedrock sincerity, setup-punchline jokes that require a little irony, and simple

Muppet Treasure Island is the best Muppet movie and this article is trash.

Ugh, can we not? There is no backlash. There are always a few idiots with a dumb “This is offensive!” take on something not offensive, and for some reason, the media likes to scour the internet for this tiny minority, amplify their platform, and make every liberal look like an idiot crybaby. Buzzfeed does it all the

“screenshot of an unsourced edit to Wikipedia”

Damn, I didn’t even click any of the video links and I’ve now got “I Wanna Be Like You-ooh-ooh” jammed in my head...from memory!

The opening theme of Big Bang Theory is horrible.

I don’t know about “Palestinian Chicken” funny — that’s one of the all-time great half-hours of comedy — but this was still damn good, much better than the premiere.

Hate to be one of those folks who has actually collaborated with Fantano within the past week on a review and has had somewhat regular conversations with him, but that Fader piece was a total hack piece and borderline libelous to boot, deliberately stripping out context because Fantano has taken aim at some of their

This is a garbage hitpiece. I thought the AV Club had better editing/research standards than this.

I don’t know... thisistheplan was terrible, but that article, and specially this headline, feels like an overreach.

Fuck, man. I wasn’t even that huge a fan, I just loved the hit singles. But those singles were so great and ubiquitous that you assumed that he’d always be around to play them. Too young for a legend like him. Horrible day.

Now playing

Gonna be one heck of a jam session in the afterlife tonight:

I love Curb—there hasn’t been a bad season up till this point in my opinion— and maybe it’s because I was watching old episodes in the run up to this new season, but I found this one disappointing. Everything seemed exaggerated, broader and less realistic. Even Larry’s “pret-tay, pret-tay good” was delivered with a

“Larry David’s office, who the fuck is this?”

Alright, I’ve been dying to bring this up here since I spent way too long researching this yesterday after my rewatch of the series.

“You future hard Jeopardy question” is not just the best line of this episode, it’s probably the best Hollywood put-down I’ve ever heard.

Apparently all you have to do to compel Meryl Streep to star in a movie is trap her in a box with the script, so matters concerning autonomy are up in the air in Hollywoo.