

Curious, when the old comments will get added to old articles? I was catching up on a TV show that aired earlier in the year, and enjoying reading the corresponding AV Club review from that time after each episode. But sadly, there were no comments to read after the reviews. Seeing smart/spirited/pun-filled

Wow. The show must’ve gotten a lot more graphic after I stopped watching.

Unfortunately, by Snopes publishing an article saying that Obama was not president during Katrina, they’ve only reinforced the Trumpists’ conviction that Obama was indeed president at that time.

I don’t like that movie and I’ve been hoping more critics would acknowledge its racial problems, I also get why one wouldn’t want to be screening it in the immediate aftermath of that Nazi rally. That said I think it’s the wrong approach to suggest that it should somehow be taboo to screen that movie because it’s

“the Orpheum Theatre has decided, after 34 years of including it, to not show the 1939 film at this year’s Summer Movie Series”

Is there a plugin for preventing triple-posting ?

First feedback on the home page:

Merging my Disqus and Kinja accounts doesn’t work. Also, the site is ugly and soulless, like Gawker. I’m pretty sad about this whole thing. :(