Cheh Poh'r

I wish you great success in your hunting. Death to the douche and his ill fated attempt at self glorification.

+1 jillion.

Couldn't find one with a beard.

Perhaps my attempt to troll has been too subtle.


Heart-clicked for your brutal, unbridled honesty. Agree on all but #6...but I accept that I am biased and ignorant. But, in this case, ignorance is bliss to me.

Just because I drive a lifted/chromed/truckballz truck doesn't mean I have a tiny weiner.

This one?

What is your account name on youtube? I'd love to subscribe to a fellow jalop.

Mein bruder.

I salute thee good sir. I am DD'ing an all original 87 325 with will over 200k miles (busted Odo). God I love that car.

I'm with Caswell on this one. My love knows no bounds for these machines. Mine is exactly like this one in Metallic Midnight Blue.

Still DD'ing mine. Odo froze at 193k miles, so probably almost 1/4 million by now. Need to do that timing belt ASAP though.

The only problem is they are virtually unattainable due to low sales upon introduction and the fact that people who own them refuse to sell them. I would kill for a 1st gen cummins 6bt.

+1 jillion. The GMT 400 is un-killable. They also seem to have a stunningly high resale value, especially with the Vortec 5700 350.

E28's. The 528e and 535i seem to be the most resilient of the bunch.

For the record, I agree on all points. Furthermore, I may be weak because I skipped ahead...but that also may be because I have seen this video atleast 4 times before now.

And the third place prize goes to....

Legen- wait for it...

I was 16, so unfortunately I am srs.