Cheh Poh'r

A good example of when the stereotypical answer is the right answer.

Is this one yours? If so what kind of snail are you running?

I think you forgot about this. You could also go for a 7.3 Powerstroke Excursion....but the 6.5 Detroit is a better candidate for a veggie oil conversion. Which would be an important necessity, post-apocalypse.

1 word: Badass.

Your vehicle has arrived sir.

+4 internetz to you sir.

I mean is there anything the diesel suburban can't do?

Not sure about that one. But I would drive this one, happily. I mean you can get the same 4.6L V8 from the Genesis.

Best truck/SUV tire money can buy.

I feel your pain brother. I have all the parts in my garage but I just don't want to do it right now.

Once it starts it can't be stopped.

I don't condone or endorse it in any way. It is dangerous and reckless but mostly just for the driver himself. Also, I did happen to notice the "OTHER" lane and also the cable railing that can stop a 50 ton mack truck from crossing the median...much less a 3200 pound Corvette. All I am saying is I think it was also a

If safety were the number one priority, he should have gotten a minivan. I, for one, don't blame this guy for having a little fun when there is no traffic in sight.

I don't see why everybody's panties are in a wad over this? There is no traffic to be seen in front of him. The road had cable rails that would have no problem stopping something as light as a corvette, so if he lost control (or a tire) it would be his ass and nobody else's. Give the guy a break...I mean lets be

I applaud your honesty. I don't condone unsafe driving, but that doesn't mean I have to think it isn't awesome at the same time.

Go ahead and do the timing belt and water pump on Hans, the E30.

A toast to the old bastards that refuse to quit and are still more fun to drive than new cars.

You want Tommy Lee's what to go where?

I know this article is 9 months old (was brought here by the 10 favorite stories AOTD) but I just wanted to say that I applaud your professionalism Mike. Thanks for helping make Jalopnik my favorite web site, keep up the good work.