A good example of when the stereotypical answer is the right answer.
A good example of when the stereotypical answer is the right answer.
Is this one yours? If so what kind of snail are you running?
1 word: Badass.
+4 internetz to you sir.
I feel your pain brother. I have all the parts in my garage but I just don't want to do it right now.
I don't condone or endorse it in any way. It is dangerous and reckless but mostly just for the driver himself. Also, I did happen to notice the "OTHER" lane and also the cable railing that can stop a 50 ton mack truck from crossing the median...much less a 3200 pound Corvette. All I am saying is I think it was also a…
If safety were the number one priority, he should have gotten a minivan. I, for one, don't blame this guy for having a little fun when there is no traffic in sight.
I don't see why everybody's panties are in a wad over this? There is no traffic to be seen in front of him. The road had cable rails that would have no problem stopping something as light as a corvette, so if he lost control (or a tire) it would be his ass and nobody else's. Give the guy a break...I mean lets be…
I applaud your honesty. I don't condone unsafe driving, but that doesn't mean I have to think it isn't awesome at the same time.
Go ahead and do the timing belt and water pump on Hans, the E30.
You want Tommy Lee's what to go where?
I know this article is 9 months old (was brought here by the 10 favorite stories AOTD) but I just wanted to say that I applaud your professionalism Mike. Thanks for helping make Jalopnik my favorite web site, keep up the good work.