Mav Wreck

The old guy in the car has his hand on the window like, 'Please stop...', but his face says, 'this is happening'.

Nothing radical from this angle. Aestetically, I like more of a gentle curve, rather than the sharp angle from the bulkhead, but really the lack of a penis nose is more important. Nice touch with the black

Florida is insulted that you compared it to Bakersfield.

Also, after cleaning, start keeping a towel in the trunk of your car. I put it on the seat (wedge the top in between the head rest and back of the seat) before getting in and then when I get home throw it back in the trunk. It's dry by the next day, even in the winter and if I wash it every week or two, it doesn't get

I feel like the no sweetener coffee shop is a scene from Hipster Seinfeld:

This is the first (last?) time that Breezewood will ever get this kind of recognition. I prefer New Stanton, but that's probably because of geographic location. But anywhere there Sheetz (pronounced Sheet-ziz, trust me on this one) is a good place to stop.

Despite every veihicle in the world rapidly evolving to look identical, I'm gonna side with the 200 crew. Between the grill, headlights, tail lights, area just forward of the C pillar and the wheels, it's a match.

This is absolutely my favorite Christmas song of all time. Hats off to you Mr Okulski

It's a venture capital buzz word. Typically, a company disrupts the norm with an idea. A new way of doing things that forces the establishment to adapt and change. However, in this context it's really arrogant. The plate is implying that by having a Tesla they have changed the world and all the mortals will now have

The smug venture capitalist mastaburtory fantasy has gone so far out of reality, it's gone to... PLAID.

My Grandfather had an '86 Chevette. No AC, No FM radio, no anything. My cousins and I all learned how to drive in it. He suffered a severe heart attack in 2000 that left him unable to drive so it became the family back up car, passed from grandchild to grandchild as needed. We sold it shortly after my Grandfather

Thanks for posting this. I was sitting just to the left of where the first video was shot, but I was getting food and just got back as they were cleaning up the mess of whatever fluid was left across the track. I wondered what happened.

There were no options for shipping when I ordered my tickets. There was a $13 'delayed printing' that was the sole choice. My email receipt doesn't break it down by charge, only states the total amount charged to my card, $384.10

The really important thing to remember here is that we got to help out a tiny, struggling company that is definitely NOT a monopoly by paying ticketmaster $13 (just for shipping) for the priviledge of not having my ticket 4 days before my flight to Austin.

Seb displays the number of fucks given about his fine.

Hahaha! I knew it was Swiper the whole time! I always know when it's Swiper! Silly fox!

Nigeria? Please. In Kansas City you have to go out and back through security to get a sandwich! Armed militants? Whatever.

I would love to have a Volt. If I thought there was any way I could have pulled it off, I would have one. The fact of the matter is that installing rows of chargers is not likely in most low to mid cost complexes and that's only for apartments with on site parking. In more urban areas you're on your own for parking.