Mav Wreck

I'm beginning to think I should lie to myself about cars. I started out looking for a Golf and ended up having the conversation in the article with myself.

Upon further reflection I realized that my gorgeous (in my humble, but correct opinion) girlfriend purchased a Mazda 3 when she was 24 to commute to her job as a biochem doctoral canidate in a neuroscience lab during the day and roller derby practice at night. So... maybe this was for real.

Does any one else think that she's a bit too perfect for this ocassion? Gorgeous 20 something, middle american with responsible job who likes to cut loose and play guitar ('my amp totally fits in the trunk!')?

How much of this is 'I WANT a white car' and how much 'Those are my options? Guess I'll take white.'?

The advances of EVs in the last 10 years have been at the expense of fuel cell development. When gas started getting expensive manufacturers needed something immediate. The money and effort that was being put into fuel cell design was poured into electric cars because they were a more immediate offering, but they are

Watching the bit where they ask Senna about the danger of racing and how he thinks about it is erie. And sad.

Clearly this is a prototype Hammerhead Eagle Mk II

I recently completed my run of the first 10 series. (with a marathon of 5 eps last evening) The first 2-3 series were a basic car show with funny hosts. James rounded out the presenters perfectly. The great films really kicked off with the indestructable Toyota around series 3 or 4, but it's the hosts that make the

Watching these videos pits my love of mindless destruction against my laziness. I'm still cleaning glass shards out of my trunk from a busted windscreen 6 months later so lazy wins.

I love the juxtaposition of the European roller derby with the 'Murkan NASCAR fan.

As a Roller Derby Referee and Jalop, I heartily endorse this post.

I've never Mistaken my MKV GLI for a Suzuki, but I did mix it up with a Carolla, at a distance, a few times.

Once at speed, he would then be covering 1 mile every 13.584 seconds.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this song is actually terrible. This band will be remembered as fondly as Limp Bizkit in 5 years.

Ahh... design by focus group. Beige-kreig is now a pandemic.

The only one that looks like they got a boob job is Mulan, but maybe she just grew them, because she looks 10 years older overall. The only one that is noticeable is the last one. That's painful. No reason for that.

I can't tell if she's pregnant or not...

Uh oh. Ghetto Police is gonna get him for putting this decal on a non early 90's lexus. I thought Advanced Auto employees had to verify your car before selling them to you. Either that or it came free with the lashes.

Exactly. All that piping is basically an arrow at his package. The new costume wouldn't look half bad without that crap.