Mav Wreck

I've been driving in San Francisco for 7 years and what I've learned is: Don't drive in San Francisco. Get a copy of the MUNI and BART maps and make friends with them. Market street is a forcefield that prevents you from getting to Soma without looping around Seattle and coming back. Countless ridiculous intersections

This is exactly what I was thinking. I suppose it'd be better that the Mustang looks like an Aston than the Focus -but not much.

I wish you could still heart replies. I would heart this one so hard...

The Escalade has become the trashiest luxury vehicle of all time.

This was my immediate thought as well.

I think less people like itunes the best than just like it the best because they havent used anything else. I used to think I liked it until I moved to the Zune software.

I never considered my little piece to be an investment. It's about half the size of a golf ball and cost me around DM15 (probably $8 or $9 at the time). It's just a great reminder of all the incredible stories that centered around the wall and that period of time. It's sorta like holding the cold war in your hand.

The Romney Campaign responded by saying, "She's got her facts wrong because WOMAN. Obviously."

This needs to be placed in the original article as an update. It's great.

Well, the boobies, cooters and blood are for adults, but take those out and you have a truly CW storyline.

I'm all for achieving equality, but you shouldn't take away events to do it. I'm sure sponsors wouldn't mind an extra day of coverage.

He just tweeted that he was asked to leave the course when he finished the second hole.

The cop is an inch away from the car. That makes him immediately in front of it. That guy knows damn well that he cannot move that car without hitting the officer.

His reckless disregard should cover the "intent". There is a cop standing IMMEDIATELY in front of his car and he attempts to drive it. I'm not sure how physics work in Michigan, but all the places i've been, I would be quite aware of the fact that moving the vehicle forward is going to cause it to strike the object in

I call for immeidate profiling and arrest of all significant others of Hills "Stars".

because No Doubt is the greatest band of all time.

Skoda not yielding: Dick move level 2. Toyota SUV not yielding, cutting off other drivers, driving in the wrong lane, splahing the toyota (not to mention the innocent taxi going the opposite direction with his window down): Dick move level 7.

Okay, a couple things: First, the women CHOSE those bikinis. While I'll admit there is definitely potential for pressure on them to be sexy, I think if the outfit was hindering their performance, they wouldn't wear it. I think they choose to play in them because sand, in the summer, is really hot and who wants sweat

Yes. Only BMW drivers are asshats. I've never seen a Corvette or C class or F-150 parked like that.

I completely agree with Aria. I kept waiting for her larger story to unfold and it never happened. It was very disapointing.