
Format a large flash drive using Disk Utility on the Mac as ExFAT (essentially FAT without the 4 GB file limit).

Format a large flash drive using Disk Utility on the Mac as ExFAT (essentially FAT without the 4 GB file limit).

Very true, I misread. Apologies.

read somewhere that the only thing Jay Leno was guilty of was having better contract lawyers than Conan. His severance package would've been a LOT more than Conan's.

read the article

read the article

hold Option, click the Go menu. Easier for infrequent trips to ~/Library

well, looks like SOMEBODY just discovered iMovie!!

with my family would get me $70 joke gifts.

Heyo Kickstarter!

Yeah, then people bitch and moan when they propose unicode solutions for actions.


I'll definitely be buying a cheap $20 router for this, completely independent of my AirPort Extreme.

just annoying. Greenpeace's desperate for media attention so they, like everybody else, are doing anything they can to share a headline with Apple to draw clicks.

Now playing

thought Apple's new campus was going to sport a roof of solar panels producing ~5 MW, then self-powered by geothermal and natural gas, contributing to the grid. []

Liberal estimates for the Apple tablet ranged from $800 to $1000. It debuted at $499, the main reason they sold millions upon millions.

prefer Field Notes notebooks.

Prediction: no PIP, no DVR, no 120Hz, no 3D, no 4K. Just an Apple TV with a screen and HDMI inputs, all wrapped in a wonderful design. Very reasonably priced to sell a lot.

much like an iPhone is a samsung display, toshiba memory, and qualcomm/TI everything else.

pretty sure these old 80s Apple videos were super tongue-in-cheek, designed to be lame. People laugh at the boss, makes the workplace more open, etc.