
OOOOOOO!!! Looks like SOMEBODY just discovered iMovie!

Yahoo actually did have a (horrible) browser for a short while. []

"ERROR: You are not logged in!

keeps my ears warm.

I like the decadent westerner target dummy at 2:20

I think it speaks wonders to the system in place that this kind of event if news-worthy.

MacBook Air: 1440x900.

Giz is part of the Gawker network, you must remember. You must also remember Gawker Media's priorities (so much more so than other blog networks). Nick Denton knows what drives real traffic, and well thought out, long-form tech commentary and nifty whiz-bang gadget articles drive a certain, much fewer ad-clicking

Thanks! I'll look into Warwick, and Donington, very much so.

wonderful. great list. a thousand thanks!

what exactly is the difference in price, pre-booking vs. as needed? we talking a 15% or 50% markup?

great list, thanks!

Thank you! First solid list of destinations I've gotten!

Two Americans backpacking across England this July. Ideas?

yay Civ!

I don't know. Once you're out of the galaxy proper you can basically floor it and not worry about hitting nebulas or planets or anything.

There's a fan theory (backed up by some official novels) that the Rebel rendezvous point in Empire was outside the galaxy, far away and deserted enough that the Empire would never find them. According to this Wookiepedia article, it took about two standard days to reach it.

I'm as Apple fanboy as you can get, but I must say, they picked some shitty examples for iPad apps. All the selected iPad apps look like they were designed by a person who thinks Flash apps are really neat. I would never use them.

I understand your complaint in the context of the current tablet market, but a common early criticism of the original Macintosh and other early GUIs was that they were too playful and incapable of completing serious work. Even in the Wikipedia article for GUIs, it says: