
Not saying it id dead, but dying out. I mean, in the future, for people like us, opening a browser and navigating to [] or any other website will be the same. It'll still work, and it'll still be more "powerful". But I really think the World Wide Web is gong to end up like the command line. Very powerful

the sign, not so much the snow. Today, 90°, in MARCH!

few hours down the road from me

post-web = post-World Wide Web.

the World Wide Web as we know it today: visiting websites via URLs and hyperlinks, is going to go away. It already is going away. Path or Instagram are good examples of the future. You don't upload an image to, you open the Instagram app and tap "Share".

ya in rural Michigan they don't bother with that whole "cut out a square apply adhesive and repair 4 inches at a time" crap. Usually just three MDOT guys, a truck, a bucket, and a couple of shovels.

Wow! Thanks so much! Tons of great information in that for us.

Pretty sure somebody just won a bet.

Two Americans backpacking across England this July. Ideas?

Put these up in Michigan and someone will inevitably hit it with their car because it's vaguely deer shaped.

Might just be a family superstition, but I swear I think it works.

So, it accelerates in a vacuum sealed tunnel, then is then...released? Released from the vacuum into the atmosphere? I'm no physicist, but sudden compression/explosion of air?

I worked in an office for a brief period of time that had an Aeron chair at every desk.

the group was "eviscerated and now only consists of support staff."


California needs more love/attention?