

Big American F1 fan. Never was a NASCAR fan. I tried giving the Daytona 500 another shot this year, but wow. The race appeared to be an even 3-way split between actual racing, caution flags, and commercial breaks. About six different drivers led at one point during the final lap. Which made me think, what was the

The vice grips merely clamped the nail to the current carrying wires. There’s nothing attached to the other side so they’re not part of the circuit.

Agreed, but we’re in the minority here. It seems everyone wants to learn by video these days, instead of just reading a few paragraphs.

$23k sticker? Oh wow, I had no idea these were so cheap. That's incredible.

Question: in general, isn’t the discrepancy between MPGs in the EU and MPGs in the US explained, in part, because the UK imperial gallon is 20% larger than the US gallon? So with same engine and the same fuel, a “European” car will get 20% more MPG just by default?

Uh oh, you mentioned 4wd and snow in the same post. You’ll unleash the snow tire, anti-4wd army.

I’m sorry, but was anything in that article actually written by the author? Or was it entirely done by PR-representatives. I mean, come on:

Nothing special with that Mazda trans. Automatic transmissions have used clutches that engage automatically inside torque converters to eliminate torque loss for decades. From BMWs to Pontiacs. They’re called lock-up clutches. Mazda just seems particularly proud of this one.

Lifetime fluid

Regulation yes, but also scale. British carriers have to reliably cover the 94,000 sq miles of the UK. Whereas American carriers have to cover 3.894 MILLION square miles. That's over 40x more area to cover. 40x more towers to get approved/installed/maintained/upgraded. Yes, there are great swaths of dead zones in the

I guess it's the first line: "When it comes to living room media centers, XBMC is king." The market between the two is way too close to call one or the other "king," I'd think.

Bullshit. The 401 is hell. Drivers've perfected the "Canadian Slow-Pass" and take 5 minutes to overtake you on cruise control. Montreal is horrific.

Damn. Yeah, I recognized some digital calibration images after watching the clip.

There's a standard DVI port on the back of an IMAX digital projector. It's normally used for preshow advertisements from a Windows 7 PC. We've never tried, but I don't see why you couldn't plug an Xbox up to it.

Normally non-multiplex, premiere theaters like this have 70/15 IMAX film projectors. There's enough purists & lobbyists in Hollywood to keep film alive in larger venues like this. (I doubt it's IMAX HD. I don't think they even still make those, much less film in it)

Flash is prone to making my MacBook hot and beachball-y, and occasionally crash-y. HTML5 and JS do this far less often. I neither know nor care if it's due to superior technological efficiency/more careful devs/what have you, but that's my experience.

It's not just about pure theoretical downstream bandwidth. Latency plays a big role in perceived speed, and in my experience LTE has much lower latency than HSPA+.

There's also Fever. It's self-hosted, costs $30 (single purchase), and different, but pretty useful. A half-old but still useful tutorial