
The only Android feature I'm jealous of is free turn-by-turn navigation. I just appreciate the smoothness and responsiveness of iOS and its (seemingly) much higher quality apps. The only apps my friends use on their Android phones are the ESPN app and one to pirate music (they say its easier to get music that way then

Pretty sure the United States was the only major nation in the world that was restricted to a single carrier, which was because of the contract AT&T signed to be the first carrier. In most other nations the iPhone is available on nearly every GSM carrier. Note: CDMA is only used in the US and China, everywhere else is

Hackintoshing requires specific components, including specific Intel chips and supported motherboards. You cannot just hackintosh any PC, which is why this and every other hackintoshing guide recommend building your own PC with supported parts, and never using an OEM Windows PC.

This guide is regularly updated about once a year to modernize components and support the latest and greatest in OS X. With OS X 10.7 Lion coming out in a month or two you can expect an update around late summer/early fall.

I approve.

Sorry chaps, honest mistake.

I make phone calls on my iPhone 4 as well. Don't let the loud minority from San Francisco/New York speak for the rest.

My graduating class had 45.

Define slow? For me, >1Mbps is slow, <4 is fast. I can get 600KBps on a good torrent if I try.

The only option I have is a "crappy" DSL connection. There is a life outside the cities. See my above reply to Robert Davis.

Most places in the United States (most smaller cities, 95% of rural locations) only have a single telecommunications provider.

You'd be surprised how many "normal" people use an iPhone 4 naked, but If they do have a case, it mostly only covers the back with a clear screen protector over the face.

I like the IDE hard drive at 0:53.

I'm really not trying to start a flamewar here, but this is one of iOS's greatest advantages over Android. It truly is a great feeling plugging my iPhone in at night and having the battery routinely say 40, 50, sometimes even 60% remaining. For Android's benefit, I wish articles like this didn't have to exist.

Yes. Use Google to find one that is well supported by OS X and hackintosh's. Avoid anything that require anything beyond "GraphicsEnabler", such as NVInject.

Erm, Google does all this and more? Usually people say things get blown overboard when Apple does things, like Antennagate.

Yup. My hackintosh is "The Shapeshifting Master of Darkness".

It's a old UNIX/geek tradition to name your PCs and components that hold a special place in your heart.

To verify it was accurate I opened 3 Gizmodo tabs at the same time.

Were you using the exact same components recommended in the guide? iBoot's pretty flexible, but not guaranteed to work on everything. Try starting in Verbose mode (-v). This will start the OS X boot sequence in a text-only environment where you can see the final command that's holding it up.