Anyone know Grand Rapids, MI? No, not really? Well, about pop 200,000. About an hour away from me.
Anyone know Grand Rapids, MI? No, not really? Well, about pop 200,000. About an hour away from me.
@Addzter: Nope. Kat's based in the UK.
@spyguy99: With Time Machine, you'd have 2 methods of restoring your Home Directory. If you ever have to Reinstall the OS, Wipe the entire drive and, at the first boot of your new install, restore your Home Directory from a Time Machine backup (it's a selection on the Welcome Assistant). You could also drag and drop…
@spyguy99: 1) In addition to the Lifehacker pack, I recommend these free apps as well:
@bigtimes: Best pic I could find
Ouch. This could be their Netbook killer. The $500 iPad was just a bit too expensive for someone who has to leave in 3 days for a last minute business trip and doesn't have a laptop. The $300 netbook was almost an impulse buy at their prices.
I feel horrible about the traumatic experience she went through, but a hearty LOL slipped out at "After struggling to simultaneously push the control, alt and delete keys to unlock her computer…"
@sbarney: Get Rosa in on that one.
@corsair130: Nothing, just bitter that Kalamazoo still doesn't even have effing 3G from anyone besides Verizon.
First Rule of Usen...
@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: I'm not going to cut blindly into my shiny new iMac, personally.
Grand Rapids.
@corsair130: Fuck you. Kalamazoo is superior.
His eyes.
@hercules_100_98: He's comparing how the two different OS's render and scale text. As in the Anti-alias qualities of each. Windows tends to display text in a very harsh, very sharp fashion. Less smoothing is utilized at lower font sizes. OS X displays text very smoothly. They place more gray pixels around the absolute…
@digitalmaddog: Sync up with iPhoto and export with the MobileMe button or Share ⨠ MobileMe in the Menu-Bar
@vrillusions: For LifeHacker, leave a great idea in #tips. If it's publish worthy you'll likely get starred. If not, your next one will. Thats now I got mine.