
VOTE: iWeb

I wonder if that actually works. Assuming a Vuvuzela behaves like most horns (I've never touched one myself), it shouldn't do much. It's like blowing into a trumpet without buzzing your lips, I wouldn't think simply blowing air through it would make any sort of sound. In fact, it might actually muffle the sound a

@webdevmike: As a teenager, I must say, you are mistaken. Parents all have family plans and will get the kid any damn phone they want. I know 14 year olds with Nexus One's, iPhone's and even Evo's. I'd assume their family plans amount to $350+ for some.

@tomsomething: As a member of the teenagers, I can attest that if it's one techie thing that every teen knows (or at least think they know), it's cellphones. This one douchey colleague of mine was arguing for weeks with himself on Facebook if he should get an iPhone, Evo, Nexus One, or wait for the Droid X.

@slite: Dear Slite. Dear, sweet, Slite. I'm sorry I have offended you. I'm sorry I don't do a Wikipedia fact check for every comment I do. Forgive me.

@Canoehead: I would really recommend Final Cut Express. It doesn't look like a simple interface, but it is really powerful and easy to use.


I think I'll keep Torrenting my TV. Why mess with a good thing I guess. I can stream it to my (future) iPad with Air Video anyways.

I think I'll keep Torrenting my TV. Why mess with a good thing I guess. I can stream it to my (future) iPad with Air Video anyways.

I hate to say this, but Safari is not really meant for Windows. I do not know a single Windows user who uses it as their main browser. The only reason Apple released it for Windows was to get higher market saturation for Safari (even watch the keynote, they say just that).

Also, you save money by sneaking friends in the boot :D

@adamnem: Not necessarily. Several installers (not distros!), such as the absolutely fantastic myHack installer support so called "Chocolate Kernels", which replace the current Intel-only kernel with one more supported my AMD based systems. These may work, but are by far less stable and hell to update.

@kimsharma: Mine does not work. I have to physically press the power button and it wakes.

A note for all Hackintosh systems, If you are running Vanilla, you should have no problem, as the Lifehacker build was. However, if you are using the SleepEnabler.kext to, well, enable sleep functionality, know that the new update of Snow Leopard comes with a new kernel, which will cause your system to Kernel Panic on

Anyone else think this guy has a name for each and every one of his little mouse friends? They're just like people you know. *Giggles*

VOTE: Things

We do remember what we are talking about here, right?