
I can't wait to browse the Information Superhighway with my Web Pad after using my On-Line Gaming system.

Faulty iPhone Saga!

Ah, brings a tear to my eye…

@Grindhouse Murders: Twitter Fail Whale? Happens when Twitter's servers are overloaded.

Now playing

I had a classmate (high-school) who received 330 phone books somehow. So when this annoying popular girl went on vacation for a couple weeks, he enlisted the help of her 8 year old brother and proceeded to tear all the pages from the books one by one, completely filling her room with them. She was not pleased, but he

Is your hackintosh running 10.6.4 yet? I've been too afraid D=

Gina! how long have you been back =D

@Twanzio: And if I'm 16 years old and remember the screech of my Dell Dimension 900 connecting to AOL 3.0 if only to play Digimon: Escape from the Digital World on (Followed by a BSoD)?

I just have a folder for less commonly used bookmarklets. For the more commonly used ones, I have them on my bookmarks bar with the symbol ➟ in front of them. Ex: "➟" or "➟ Subscribe GR"

With the quality of sleep I get on trans-atlantic flights (an hour at a time max, on and off), I find it more convenient to get an aisle seat. The extra leg room is a better trade off in my opinion.

See how long you can spend blowing one.

@talkingstove: Still then, who is the primary developer? Yes, WebKit was originally developed by Konquerer, just like FaceTime is based on pre-existing protocols. Watch the Keynote, at about 1:49:45, there's an interesting part that Steve says.

@madisomi: philosophsaur: Does Chrome or the Android browser forbid certain websites? They both use WebKit, developed by Apple.

$73 for 1 Race = $73/race

Also, I might just download Notational Velocity if only for the opening paragraph.

Might I give Growl another plug? Seriously, if you have a Mac, you need Growl. It's as simple as that.

Does anyone else hate the use of the word "Blackberry" as a general term for a smartphone? yes, I know it's the Kleenex or Band-Aid, but still.

Although I hate the materialistic concept, I would not be upset if the war ends because some company wants to make a profit mining lithium.