VOTE: Things
VOTE: Things
@Celery: *Applause*
We do remember what we are talking about here, right?
I can't wait to browse the Information Superhighway with my Web Pad after using my On-Line Gaming system.
Ah, brings a tear to my eye…
@NorwoodIsMyHero: WILSON!!!!!
@Grindhouse Murders: Twitter Fail Whale? Happens when Twitter's servers are overloaded.
I had a classmate (high-school) who received 330 phone books somehow. So when this annoying popular girl went on vacation for a couple weeks, he enlisted the help of her 8 year old brother and proceeded to tear all the pages from the books one by one, completely filling her room with them. She was not pleased, but he…
@Whitson Gordon: SleepEnabler.kext has been updated for 10.6.4, but not by Meklort, available here, but I haven't used it yet []
Is your hackintosh running 10.6.4 yet? I've been too afraid D=
Gina! how long have you been back =D
@Twanzio: And if I'm 16 years old and remember the screech of my Dell Dimension 900 connecting to AOL 3.0 if only to play Digimon: Escape from the Digital World on (Followed by a BSoD)?
I just have a folder for less commonly used bookmarklets. For the more commonly used ones, I have them on my bookmarks bar with the symbol ➟ in front of them. Ex: "➟" or "➟ Subscribe GR"
With the quality of sleep I get on trans-atlantic flights (an hour at a time max, on and off), I find it more convenient to get an aisle seat. The extra leg room is a better trade off in my opinion.
See how long you can spend blowing one.
@talkingstove: Still then, who is the primary developer? Yes, WebKit was originally developed by Konquerer, just like FaceTime is based on pre-existing protocols. Watch the Keynote, at about 1:49:45, there's an interesting part that Steve says.
@madisomi: philosophsaur: Does Chrome or the Android browser forbid certain websites? They both use WebKit, developed by Apple.
$73 for 1 Race = $73/race
Also, I might just download Notational Velocity if only for the opening paragraph.