
Might I give Growl another plug? Seriously, if you have a Mac, you need Growl. It's as simple as that.

Does anyone else hate the use of the word "Blackberry" as a general term for a smartphone? yes, I know it's the Kleenex or Band-Aid, but still.

Although I hate the materialistic concept, I would not be upset if the war ends because some company wants to make a profit mining lithium.

*matt buchanan

It does indeed make Safari crash frequently, especially with Gawker sites ironically. Turned off until they release a more stable one.

@Ben Longo: Please accept my apology for these heartless dicks you seem to come across with such frequently D=

@JakeMertz: They've had that domain for a while now. It's more of a shortened URL than a new service leak. Easier to remember for a casual user and all.

@Jessica Quest: Nah, first thing I tried, doesn't work. Thanks though.

I only wish the "New Tabs by Default" settings were more through, as in, opening tabs in the background. I'm trying to go vanilla and uninstalled Glims, but holding Command when clicking sites in Google Reader to open in the background gets a little tedious.



Use AddressBookSync for OS X Address Book and Facebook Syncing.

@Tim Moss: All major announcements are done during the opening Keynote, as per usual Apple Events.

I only just got back from work. Reading the GDGT liveblog, I kept wondering, "ok, ok, nice iPhone, but…"

@D0rk: non-IT app list

@wjglenn: Well reasoned. Would change comment if I could

VOTE: Intellect

@CutTheRedWire: I know this is a bump, but please refrain from using "M$" when referring to Microsoft. It's looks retarded and makes you look like a total douche.