
I agree. If anything in season one, they seemed like the couple who really dug each other. It’s like they realized if Laura dern wasn’t a villain, she couldn’t yell so they gave her a reason to 

It was more about character growth.  All season, we’ve seen that her violet and angry outbursts don’t work on him. He doesn’t change, he’s a cancer so acts of anger don’t effect him. I just wanted to see her finally leave him without even acknowledging he is there. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing Reneta and Laura Dern going full crazy but after all season of her doing it, it just felt empty this time. Now if she had just walked out. Left that idiot with his trains because he was never going to change, that would have been powerful. But to do the same thing she’s done time and

It’s pronounced Danzig, it started as a misfits app.

At the end. I don’t know why we needed this or who wanted it. Renata destroying the trains felt so “crazy woman” that I feel it did a disservice to her character. Over two seasons, she’s used outbursts to act out and she’s never resolved that. Bonnie was wasted in a season that was meant to flesh her out. Everyone

I don’t mind that she dated him as all. It’s more the framing it as they’re meant to be together that they’ve done since. 

Because when the movie answers all these questions (which it will, cruise is too smart to let these go unanswered) all you internet sleuths are gonna ignore it so you can say how dumb it is. 

Yeah that’s it. Not super hard to figure out

Yeah if she eventually turned away it would have been worth it but now they’re getting married? It’s probably why I won’t watch the new series. 

The problem has always been Logan. I know fans wanted it but they never justified how she liked Logan. And he was more than just the bad boy. He was the dude who set up bum fights for fun. And I haven’t been able to like it since 

How did they add seven new episodes and we learned less about the characters? You could write an article about how every character is betrayed and ignored by the writing this season and it would be true. I’ll never understand this season.

Even that she flirted (if it’s true) shouldn’t be reported. She was murdered because he was a murderer. Nothing she did caused it. 

I would be so down for that. They could even have two shows (one following the couple around) or just a special at the end. Great ratings! 

Don’t give him an excuse. He is an asshole and a sexist.  Plenty of men are and they don’t need a mental illness to be one. 

Luke P is no more christian than terrorists are muslim. They bend the teachings to a degree that no one could stand up to and judge people on a standing they can’t even reach. 

That hometown was out of Twin’s peak. 

The problem with Luke P is that he seems unhinged and they should have given him the boot way earlier. I know it’s a trashy show but he felt uncontrollable. I was legit scared he would lunge at Hanna at the end there. It was terrifying for me on the other side of the computer screen.

Haha it wasn’t intentional but it does work. And yes, Starship Troopers is a perfect example. 

That’s how a lot of satire is. People actually think that Tyler Durden is the hero of Fight Club or Patrick Batman is cool, it’s just the nature of the medium especially now that people seem to take things at face value more with no attempt at evaluation.

Oh man, I hope not.  Season one was such a good examination of the pain that men commit on women from the yelling Theater Director to the rapist to Perry, it showed just how quickly any man can turn abusive.  If they make the big bad the cause of a woman, it will take all that away and be a real bummer.