
I gave up after the third episode. It is the thing where if there was one relatable character but it’s so cold.  Which is funny because Ex Machina is so good because they are all relatable. 

The fact that you had to go to the hills to find equally bad acting kind of shows how bad her acting is. 

I thought that was her worst scene. Like she knows how to act out the emotions but she doesn’t know how to make them feel like they’re coming from a character so it always feels disconnected.

Is anyone thrown off by Lily’s bad acting? Maybe it’s because she’s not used to a starting role but it’s hurting my enjoyment of the show. 

This didn’t sound good. this just sounded bad in different ways. 

It’s really bad. 

They were so bad. That last episode was embarassing

You can’t sue one company because another company dug up her pictures. they aren’t related.  Also the same thing happened with Wolf of Wall Street and the guy didn’t get anything even thought that was more of a “true story” than hustlers.  There is no case here. 

This happens every time they do a real life story. If they didn’t get the rights to the person they make up the person as a stand in. So she can’t sue because it’s not based on her. 

Pete is so boring that I don’t think he really exists and is instead some kind of malfunction Pete Buttigieg hologram so I assume the producers are grabbing anything they can. 

the felicity huffman part wasn’t the unfunny and lame part of that joke my dude. 

What does that quote even mean? It’s like he’s stretching to make Book of Henry to be about star wars but for no reason

They told him to take off his headphones and would cue him when the clip was over. 

Terry’s staff told him to take off his headphones and they would cue him when the clip ended.  This seems pretty reasonable and respectful.  I don’t know why Driver walked off but to say it was because Terry was cruel is dumb and disrespectful. 

White facists never get the respect they deserve” way too many people nowadays

He also won the “who can get their jaw wired shut the fastest” so I give it to him. 

Wait this show is gonna have actors? Way to spoil it for everyone!

are those movies the same?

It is weird to be mad at a sequel for being a sequel.

Yeah, why would they get this guy to write the review for the sequel when he hated the first one so much and didn’t even seem to like the original.  Just an odd choice as it doesn’t tell me if this one is worth checking out.