So the same as Miami then
So the same as Miami then
On Miami, whose bright idea was it to schedule the race in May? It really should have been one of the early or late races. Nobody wants to sit in the hot sun in May in Miami.
If this was the experience in Miami just imagine how bad it will be in Vegas, a city that literally only exists to separate visitors from their money.
I fear Las Vegas will be the same (or worse) than Miami.
I wanna see the video of her picking that thing up when it’s full.
I think that’s the universe’s way of telling your friend he should just move to Asheville instead of AR.
YES. Virginia Beach area here. This pic was snapped by a friend of a friend in the area and is making the rounds big time. It’s real. I’m in disbelief. Not one of my friends has admitted to panic-buying gas, yet somehow there are lines into the street at all the gas stations. I can’t believe we are this dumb. I. Just.…
Not a bad place to get stuck though!
It’s paper towels and toilet paper all over again.
You drive a half mile to and from work? Do you even save time over the eight minutes it would take to walk that? Or the 2-3 minutes it would take to bike it?
What the article is say is that the real problem is people. If the last year has taught us anything, people are always the problem. We cannot trust people to do what is right and what will be most beneficial to everyone because they are afraid, selfish, and dumb.
The pipeline was not hacked. Their billing infrastructure was hacked. They shutdown the pipeline because they are worried about billing
Shit. You can walk to work by the time the engines warmed up... I used to have a workplace close like that. I’d ride my bike, and it took longer to drive.
You might have to wait as long as, GASP, this weekend when service is expected to return to normal.
Rural town. Middle of nowhere Virginia.
always fun to see the “PAY WITH CASH” crowd come out and scream at people for no real reason
If your debts have lower interest rates than your (post-tax) returns on your investments, then buying with cash is not smart. E.g., look at car loan interest rates and compare with S&P 500 index returns over the last, say, three years.
There will be loads of comments from the “buy with cash only” people.