
Doubtful. I take this shit really hard.

I'm so disappointed that it took them a full minute to get to the sequenced dominant chords that are the hallmark of Barbershop writing.

I totally read this headline wrong:

No, it's that people will admit to doing rape if it's not phrased as "have you ever raped anyone." They don't equate the two. Similar to how people who support abortion rights won't agree with the statement "I am pro-choice." People will admit to specific acts but not to labels, and the fact that we usually depict

When you're educating you have to understand that people don't always understand intuitive instruction. Which is why you tell a piano student to "sit up straight, slightly forward, with your elbows just above the keyboard and your fingers curved" instead of "have good posture."

You're aware that most non-violent rapists - rape by roofie, rape by coercion, rape by abuse of power, rape by excessive alcohol, rape by not observing "no" - aren't aware that what they're doing is rape?

Your unremarkable problems are unremarkable.

She has matured as an artist, considering that her latest record represents an incredible soundscape combining country, pop, and dubstep. "I Knew You Were Trouble" is one of the most sonically unique pop tunes of the past ten years.

Does anyone remember in the 1970's, when Joni Mitchell was writing deeply personal love songs about the people she was seeing - who were also famous music-industry folk - and Rolling Stone used it to denigrate her entire output, even though those male artists were also active participants? As I recall, they made a

That's a really standard PR move, though. Fans prefer "it came from their real life, they're just like me!" to "oh, they really fulfilled that standard song format well, and what vivid details they added!" Even when the PR machine doesn't push it, it's what fans assume.

Well, the song could use some work, but there's some really nice production & arranging in this. So, if they did the production and arranging, kudos to them. Now, to make it so those lyrics aren't quite so shoehorned...

Songs have the potential to be polemics, just as they have the potential to be autobiographical. Same with any other art form. The difference between songs and, say, screenplays, is that (unless you're Aaron Sorkin, Woody Allen, or Lena Dunham) people don't automatically assume that the words of a character in a film

It's also a coded autobiographical reference to Lady Gaga's secret ties to the revolutionary Gypsy Cheerleading League in Hungary.

...they're songs, dude. Song =/= polemic, song =/= diary, song =/= political manifesto. Song = song.

Let's be more clear here. If you're masturbating instead of having sex in your relationship, you don't have a masturbation problem, you have a relationship problem - either your priorities aren't straight, or you're selfish, or you don't want to sleep with that person, or any number of issues.

Stamford is perceived as a suburb by the residents of NYC. NYC is HUGE - there are several cities outside of New York that are regarded as the burbs, among them New Rochelle and White Plains. Almost any given neighborhood in Queens or Brooklyn could qualify as a city anywhere else in the country. It's a regional thing.

Reverse racism is a stupid term, but it does exist. Yes, the larger society gives all power to white people. But neighborhoods are societies too, and individual interactions can have power dynamics as well.

This isn't a scientific paper being submitted to a peer-reviewed publication. It's a book on buttsex, for would-be practitioners of buttsex and people interested in the act.

Correlation and causation notwithstanding (a guy who is willing to be pegged, or secure enough to express that desire, is probably already secure with elastic gender roles and his own masculinity), I can say that in my own experience, f-in-m anal play really does improve sexual communication and empathy.

When the LA Times assigned a female reporter to do an extended shadow/interview with him, he directly assaulted her, and she witnessed several rapes-by-way-of-not-being-able-to-consent (and interviewed the survivors afterwards).