
Do you always respond to four-year-old internet comments?

That emo song, entitled “You Don’t Understand Me,” was actually off his third album, “Kasich of You”. I’ve attached the lyrics below. It’s less emo than it is New Wave-throwback, really.

Correction: The song “What makes the red man red?” is from the Disney film, not from the Jerome Robbins stage version. The two are completely different properties. The Jerome Robbins version uses the more-or-less offensive “Ugg-a-Wug”, which was performed by blonde Sondra Lee.

What are you talking about, Millenials? The behavior is the parent, who’s either Gen X or Baby Boomer.

Read the article...or even the comment you’re replying to. The course is a non-required upper elective and the final project is disclosed in the syllabus that everyone receives, and it also is a pretty well-known final project.

MRAs purposefully seek out women from other countries, specifically ones with lower standards of women and macho cultures so that their awful behavior doesn't get noticed as early.

"I just wish people would stop pretending Lena Dunham is talented and feminist. Her show represents everything wrong with people these days, horribly unlikable raging narcissists who talk at each other rather than with each other, who pretend they're deep and world changing when in reality they're just shallow

My dad's an MRA. Two of his wives have been from other countries, the most recent from Latin America.
Most of his MRA friends had wives from Latin America.
They specifically chose women who were used to machismo culture and whose cultural background would give the men some buffer time before their SO's figured out

Excepting a post-9/11 tribute to New York in film, he has never appeared at the Oscars, despite having been personally nominated more than 16 times for 16 different films - and that's not including all of the best actor/actress nominations in those and other films. He just never goes to award shows.

Business accounting, particularly in the music industry and particularly when it comes to large tours and album sales, can be frickin' nuts.

This kind of situation is not uncommon for major musicians. I'm a nobody, I can look after my finances; but the amount of money that goes in and out on a daily (hourly?) basis

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I see your "lack of self-awareness" and raise you "you don't know what you're talking about."

Squeezing someone's fat rolls because you like them is no different from running your hands along someone's rock-hard abs because you like them.

Yeah, it's terrible that as a minority group that balances out marginalization and stereotypes with extreme career entrenchment and privilege in most of the wealthiest communities in the country, generations of wealth and success, and the ability to powerplay in a number of industries, that some people sometimes point

Women absolutely can speak for themselves, but considering how many men (and women) undervalue the words, opinions, and experiences of women, that doesn't always do a lot of good. I'm of the opinion that vocal male feminists (provided they're not poseurs) are able to do a tremendous amount of good.

Teacher here. The key to raising your voice with kids/yelling/shaming etc. is to not be emotionally invested in the situation. If you're emotionally invested, you're not allowed to use "extreme" techniques. If you're sure you're in control of yourself, yelling is a fantastic way to freak out kids and get them to

Tell that to Bovine P. Johnson, formerly Daisy McCowface III

Not really. Most terms that we typically think of in harmonic contexts only - discordant, dissonant/consonant, tension/release - apply just as well to rhythmic content. It's possible to have a rhythmic dissonance, or an ensemble that's rhythmically discordant. When you get down to it, harmony is just rhythm

See the word "or" in the sentence that I typed.

Just as I'd suspected...the type of person who judges other people by their musical tastes has a tin ear and what seems like total music illiteracy.

"I admire your confidence in your genitals" - this should become a standard greeting, especially among heads of state.