I'm thirding the Cupid recommendation. It's fantastic.
I'm thirding the Cupid recommendation. It's fantastic.
This is the coolest idea ever but it's also terrible and you shouldn't do it.
As a piece of production and composition, this cover is just as inane and predictable as smooth-jazz muzak. The only difference is that your brain has been culturally primed to give different weight and associations to violins and saxophones. Equal levels of inanity and inoffensive blandness, in each case played very…
Check out the series of photographs in "The Kissing Sailor, Part 2" on Crates and Ribbons, the fist is pretty clear. That 'single iconic photo' is usually just one of a series of ten that were snapped very quickly, and you can actually see the progression from her shock to trying to push him away (at least that's how…
People in Europe need only travel a few hours to encounter another language, and bi- and tri-linguality is essential to business and communication there. North America is an enormous landmass containing (aside from reservations, ethnic enclaves, first-gen immigrant groups, and other outliers) three widely-used…
"As Long As You Love Me" isn't happy and forgettable, it's some fucking intense badass dubstep that'll drop the bass so hard you'll grow sex organs on your forehead and machine guns on your hands.
Yo Madeleine Davies Imma let you finish, but Dirty Loops had one of the best Justin Bieber covers OF ALL TIME.
Although it has historically been used to tear down women, one thing I like about "cunt" is that it has a real force behind it. It's one of the only names for female genitals that really implies strength.
"I relive my experience on the show daily. The happiness it gave me is indescribable."
Thanks for this awesome list of resources! I'm kind of irrationally scared of pull-out because sex ed tries to freak out teenagers, but considering that I almost never finish inside of anyone, AND I have a 50% sperm count (that testicular cancer scare was super-beneficial!) and I'm not an unpredictable teenager, that…
This talk of condoms being designed for short-session use reminds me brings up a possible TMI question. I've never done it without a condom, and my current partner and I take forever to finish - we're doing 2-3 hours of (delightful, mind-blowing, I'm not-in-good-enough-shape-to-go-this-long) thrusting on average and…
I recently left a two-year relationship with a vegan, and I can tell you firsthand that going vegan won't reduce the amount of smelly methane released, it'll just change the source.
This is great! It lets you watch the change happen, so if you give yourself a particularly ridiculous face and can screen capture it, boom, perfect screen saver.
Worst singles' cruise ever.
Whose idea was it to cover nearly a fifth of the screen with that useless graphic?
I never said that male objectification of women justified female objectification of men. I said that the female gaze as expressed in our society and on this side doesn't harm men, and that the male gaze as it is expressed in our society DOES harm women.
You blow a little of it in their ear. That's how I was taught to do it.
Yeah folks, gotta restrict pot use to the cats. And no edibles; just blow a small amount in their ears. Be responsible.
For the love of all that's holy (not much), either do stricter sentencing or do away with these fucking sex offender laws. Shit ain't constitutional, public registries endanger lives, and these laws curtail speech.