
I still like that design. However, I hated it when they pasted a cheesy, tiny grill on the nose.

Seems like a no-brainer to me. 5-speed stick, turbo engine; possibly the only thing better would be a brown station wagon with a manual transmission. But you wouldn’t be able to haul as many people while you haul ass.

Doesn’t everyone?

Say what you will about Superman Returns (and it clearly has flaws), but when you compare it to Superman 3 or 4, it starts looking a LOT better.

I think they got pretty close on Smallville, and to a lesser extent, Lois and Clark.

As the former owner of two E30s, I have to go with those, although the E46 is a strong second choice. I may get one of those someday.

How are the 007 cars?

Optional fog lamps: $3000.

Elon abides.

As a fan of the original Captain Marvel since DC brought him back, I’m cautiously optimistic about this movie. Of course, I’ve felt that way before about recent DC movies, but I’m hoping magic lightning strikes when called upon.

Can I have it when you’re done with it?

I wish they had named it the Grand Ramcharger and put fake wood paneling on the sides and a vinyl roof, but you still can’t have everything, even in the future.

E46 with a manual, followed closely by the E30.

The E34 IS gorgeous! I think it’s handsome in its understatement. It just looks right. Now I’m missing my old one...

You would be such a much better president than this gold-plated pretender because you’re fancier, Kristen. And obviously, you know your wood.

After a hearing on Wednesday afternoon, U.S. Magistrate Judge Deborah A. Robinson denied Butina’s request to be released on bail, finding that no combination of conditions would ensure her return to court.”

Was this a trial or a first appearance hearing?

He’ll always be Captain Marvel to me.

It was sometime in the late 1980s, and I was test-driving a Chevy Beretta, mainly because I liked the way it looked. The salesman riding shotgun was a typical redneck, and ill-suited for the job. Once underway, he lit up a cigarette. In the new car. Maybe he liked the way “new car smell” mingled with secondhand smoke.

Either gerrymandering or Voter ID have absconded with my American right to vote in the manner I so choose.