Screw this unrelenting Kinja registration popup

I like this article, but there’s a phrase that sums this up: “minimally processed”. For example, peanut butter. I can eat raw peanuts if I choose to and its unprocessed. Making peanut (or almond) butter requires more tools. So unless I’m at the grinder at Whole Foods, I go with “minimally processed” and “minimal

The process of actually replacing the lines is the easy part. What most weekend car repair warriors will struggle with is getting past all the road grime, rust, and other issues to actually replace them. Its the same with doing your own pads and rotors... the process is simple enough, but many people lack the right

Just thought I’d add my recent experience with TWC... when I moved into my apartment a year ago, TWC was the only option other than DSL with AT&T. And the best DSL in my area was 6/.5Mbps but distance from the CO meant realistic speed was about 4/.3Mb. I wanted a low bill so I paid TWC $34.99 a month for 15/1Mbps

Contrary to popular belief, “hymen” is actually an olde English spelling of the contraction “hi men”. Its purpose is to stand in front of the vagina and yell “hi, men” and thus attract men with penises to penetrate its thin veil and enter into the glorious feeling of a moist, warm, tight, sensation that is sure to

For those that aren’t forced to make this change, its worth it to change it up anyway. In my case, I do weighted resistance training for two weeks, then take a week and do only bodyweight work (pushups, pullups, dips, etc) and I push them pretty much to exhaustion. The bodyweight work can be done at a good cardio

cd /

So I have two thoughts: the first is “you should’ve learned from the carriers that offered unlimited data plans and now regret it”. But that said, Google doesn’t seem to have this problem.

“but they can keep thrusting almost indefinitely. So, the cumulative force does build up, which makes them great for gradual, long-term, eventually high speed” wait a minute... are we still talking about Tie fighters here?

Funny how all these years later, your article has a resounding effect on my memory. I remember the first time I got my own apartment... not just a room in someone else’s, but my very own. After I paid to get moved in I discovered that there was a shower curtain rod, but no shower curtain. And I was 100% broke. So

You should do some more research. By all means... do what you want. But I’d wager if you ate some extra fats (mostly from animals, not plants) your brain chemistry would improve and you’d be able to read, process, and remember what you read and then realize you’re wrong and learn from it. You’ll probably also find

Yeah, don’t overdo it on the carbs... skip the cookies and the processed chocolate.

  • Starch and sugar are digested quickly, but

“As a result, even though the same amount of sugar is being absorbed, it’s happening over a longer span of time, and your blood sugar level at a given moment will be lower than the spike you got from the pancakes-only breakfast.”

And I am proof that you have no idea what you are talking about. First of all, paleo and low carb are not necessarily the same thing, Second, I lost 110 pounds - 40% of my body weight - in a year on no more than 25 carbs a day. That was 11 years ago, it is still off, and my daily carbs are still less than 50. The

Quite a few people commenting on this article are referencing intermittent fasting as a way of doing calorie restriction. Its worth noting that if you really study IF, quite a few suggest eating the same calories but in the smaller eating window... NOT using IF as a way to reduce calories. I personally know a few

Benchmade Griptilian/MiniGriptilian or Spyderco Endura/Delica

Honestly, that's exactly what I did to start. Initially, I did only body weight exercises. I got two pieces of equipment so I could do them and did pushups, planks, pullups (negatives til I could do 3 pullups without doing jerk-ups), squats, hanging leg lifts, backups, dips, and bicycle crunches. I always did three

One other thing I'll mention... all these people writing books or selling DVDs about how you can do more in less time... yeah, none of them did more in less time. They all spent days and hours and years getting the sixpack you see in the picture on the book or DVD cover. The 7 Minute Abs guy? He admits it took him 3

The only people that stop cardio when strength training are people that want to seriously pack on muscle... ie: body builders. If your goal is to get in shape, maybe lose some weight, trim some body fat, get better endurance, look better, and build up some muscle (not the same as bulking up) there's no reason not to

Tell you what... let's meet up at gym somewhere and you can stand next to me while I do some really fast KB swings and your knee will be a source to reference soon enough.

Seriously, stop being a troll. Not everything in life needs a source or a URL you can link to. You don't need a source to know that you need to