Screw this unrelenting Kinja registration popup

Its funny what skewed results you can get from focusing too much on one specific thing while neglecting another. Sure cherries are natural sources of melatonin. And sure a banana is a good muscle relaxer and full of tryptophan. But both are high in carbs, specifically sugar carbs. Eating carbs right before bed can

It might be worth noting that its not quite as simple as "light one end and toss it..." since when you fill the jar halfway, the alcohol gets absorbed into the cork. When you go to use them, the corks will be alcohol soaked all over. So when you grip one end to light the other, you still have alcohol touching your

I think the dangerous thing here is that to the uninitiated, you could end up doing something illegal and get slapped for it. Most people looking for copyrighted torrents know what they're doing when they hit up thepiratebay, for example. Some may take certain steps to mask their IPs (known MPAA/RIAA blocklist, only

Its like the Gattica of used cellphones. In response to Craigslist ad for used smartphone:

I see a whole new form of trolling here. Its called "MAC address trolling". It works like this: I'm ghetto poor, but I buy a 2 year iPhone 4S from some affluent schmuck who just got his new iPhone5. Now the next time I walk into Macy's (a store I can't afford to shop at), I get 40% coupons popping up on my phone so