Screw this unrelenting Kinja registration popup

Something else to consider is what happens if your flight is re-routed. You can plan a flight from a weed friendly state to another weed friendly state... and while you’re in the air, you’re fine. But if your flight is re-routed for any reason, you could have a problem on the ground where you land. I’ve had no issues

Oh geez... does there always have to be some nitpicking ass-hat troll out there? I don’t literally laugh. I don’t take pleasure in other people’s problems. I’m not some narcissistic sociopath (though if I was I’d never admit it). It was a phrase. Sarcasm. Irony. I’m meant it like “I laugh it off”. Go bother someone

I agree with an aspect of this article, but disagree on one front. Personally, I’m the whole foods type (and I don’t mean the grocery chain owned by Amazon but more of the Marks Daily Apple, primal eating type). My rule is to buy and prepare whole foods. Where not possible, I go to minimal ingredients (ex:

I’ve been doing something similar for months... basically I eat lots of salads during the week so by the weekend I A) have leftover salad components and B) am kind of burnt out on salads. My usual is to take all the leftover spinach, kale, arugula, tomato, and mushrooms and shred or dice it up and mix it with

To quote a recent South Park season... “I do it for the Lulz”

If you saw her, you’d understand...

I’m not sure I should waste my time replying to someone that uses the “N” word, but you are correct... I don’t have a wife... I had one... we’re divorced now... I have two of the cats we used to have together.

I’ll add to this: I have forced air as well. First, I use the more expensive filters. Second, I replace them quarterly, but each month I take them out and vacuum them with the Dyson. I have a cousin that is very allergic to all animals. She visits once a year. I also have a box fan in my workout room. When she visits,

I have three cats in a two bedroom apartment (not quite the crazy cat guy... we had four before the divorce... she took two and I couldn’t allow the other two to go to the shelter/humane society so I kept them. A year later I adopted an indoor kitty that some neighbors abandoned when moving). The one thing that has

Worth mentioning... the image you chose to use is for the Arlo Pro, but the deal is on the original Arlo’s from 3+ years ago. The Arlo Pro’s are NOT getting this discount. And to be clear, the older Arlo cameras (that are actually on sale) will work with a newer Arlo Pro base station, but not the other way around. Or

Worth mentioning... the image you chose to use is for the Arlo Pro, but the deal is on the original Arlo’s from 3+

the levels make sense. he broke it down to 10 levels, but started at level 5 (50 of each and a 5k run). Even then he didn’t always do 50 straight pushups or situps... he did them in sets. In that sense, this is a lot like military boot camp. Most people can’t do 25 (or 50 for the SF people) pushups straight when they

This sounds like a good idea for the monthly fitness challenge on your sister site.

Personally, I use organic coconut oil for all our lube needs. I find that it does darken sheets temporarily, but washes away clean and with no permanent stains.

Personally, I use organic coconut oil for all our lube needs. I find that it does darken sheets temporarily, but

Waaaaaiiiiiittttt a minute!!! You do hip thrusters in gym? Dafuq! I always thought this was some Pornhub actor thingy...

Another movie I just suffered through was “Upgrade”. In hindsight, Gamer is basically the tech mogul bullshit of “Upgrade” combined with the fight for your freedom of “The Running Man”.

Because I was bored I decided to give it a watch despite knowing that the only two good movies with Gerald Butler were 300 and Phantom of the Opera. I couldn’t help but notice that you failed to comment on the fact that this was basically an updated version of The Running Man (though in fairness I think Schwartneger’s

Worth adding... you can do this to stream, but you need a Plex Pass to make any of your movies available offline. I use the MiniPC setup with Linux and Plex. Its great at streaming (remember to pay your ISP more than you should for a good upload speed cause 200Mb down by 2Mb up ain’t gonna cut it). But if you’re

Typically its one free companion with the card holder, so spouse or child, but there are other requirements around hotels or rental cars. On a week long vacation I meet the rental minimum length requirement. There’s a hack where by you do two purchases. So I buy myself a ticket

Point taken. Its completely plausible that’s a topless young boy with long hair... or that he/she/it hasn’t chosen what gender (if any) they most closely associate with. Damn good thing I’m not one of the politically correct people or I might have to kill myself. Oh shit, I did it again...

If you’re okay with flying a regional carrier like Frontier and didn’t believe all the BS and hype in the anti-Allegiant article (remember, the pilots have a vested interest in living too), you should consider the free companion fare option of the Allegiant MC. It’s less restrictive than the Frontier deal. I use it