Screw this unrelenting Kinja registration popup

Also... this thing just trashed the connection to my wireless earbuds. They were bad til the last update of OS X which fixed them, but now they're worse then they were then. As soon as I quit Tether, they start working just fine again. So if you use BT headphones and care about quality or them not skipping every other

Works when I manually turn BT on or off to test, but...

1) no dark mode. WTH? Any *new* app should support dark mode. Hello devs... get on it...

2) they need an option to adjust the range. *un*fortunately, at least in this case, BT 4.0 has a range of something like 30 meters (compared to 10 meters or less for older

Your Jedi mind tricks don't work on me. :P

Except for that whole MSG thing. You're probably better off getting one of the dip packets from your next vendor at the fairgrounds or farmers market and saving yourself the MSG and other processed chemical flavor alternatives.

Cocoa (or cacao as we superfood eating, Whole Foods shopping snobs call it) is high in magnesium which has a few benefits, especially for people with things like chronic fatigue, etc. Its also an aphrodisiac in some people. My wife is one of them. Give her a few ounces of minimally processed 85% dark chocolate about And you don't get it. Its not an application. You have to use a VPN client and use the settings for the various servers that VPNGate hosts at various times. In my case, I use a Mac and have VPN built in to the OS.

And many auto insurance companies include roadside assistance as well. You just don't get the convenient AAA card in the mail. But if its included, use it...

I like sharing.

The same idea holds true when hiking and such where elevation changes. I can eat the same stuff I eat at home, only if I just summited a 3000 peak I'll have gas. Its just pressure changes...

A little bit of coconut oil can go a long way too...

So... warm fuel can't be used. So they paint the trucks. But what about fuel in the aircraft themselves? What happens if they fuel-up and wait on the deck? Does this mean they can't be fueled until they're ready to take off? If so, I don't think Maverick is going to get there in time to help out Iceman. Or what

If by "participate" you mean that I get up at an ungodly hour and work on what should be a holiday or time off with family so that all you self-righteous prigs can buy things you don't really need and could probably get for the same price on any other day if you bothered to shop around a bit, then no, I don't

Considering you can scam Walmart into selling you one for $100 or less... why should you have to decide? Just get one of each for $10o each and you're still paying less than you'd pay for just one...

Being in Germany doesn't help at all... unless we're also in Germany. Otherwise you can do whatever the schnitzel you like and we can't do jack about it due to international jurisdictional issues. I may as well just give access to some Russians...

I tried this and the only result besides myself was the NSA, but I don't remember giving them access...

I use coconut oil only for all cooking/baking needs (olive oil for other needs) and for mixing into my morning coffee... so I tend to have plenty on hand. Worth pointing out that my wife also got burned and I used coconut oil on her as well and she had no pain within 12 hours and while did peel a bit, it was very,

Just reading the title alone I immediately had flashbacks to the court cases regarding Michael Jackson, Macaulay Culkin, and Jesus juice... sorry, but he like nine year old's too...

I'll pay you $6474 if you go fuck yourself after you get done getting teabagged by your dog you spamming piece of douche bag.

oh and don't forget... the licopene in tomatoes and dark chocolate doesn't just help prevent sunburns... it also helps the post-burn recovery as well.