
But with all those miles, that works out to be approximately $900 per “year” in maintenance which, for a European car of this vintage, isn’t terrible.

The red RPM bands are infected. Stay away from those.

But what does this have to do with COVID-19?

Why that motor had to be rebuilt, I’m unsure, since the AMC inline-six is normally an unkillable motor.

This is not the kind of tranny I thought we’d be discussing when I logged onto Jalopnik this morning.

But what if you find out you’re into it?

Fuck off with the transphobia 

No, based on the dumb assed new names being tossed out on the new EVs, this would be rebadged as the Craptasiq.

aleays check your jacking points and where you place your jack stands folks.

Looks too nice for an industrial application.  Either way Rock Auto will have the right gasket for $3.26.

Jill Wagner is on all my lists.

3 sentence comment more informative than the post. Business as usual, here. Thanks tho.

Don’t forget “dynamic”

All the NASCAR fans will blame the Democrats for the change.

I always thought the steel wheels that VW put on the New Beetle looked pretty sweet. 

Taupe Notch

They never do.

Now I get it.  Thanks.

We used to refer to these things as a “land yacht” or a “boat”.