
All it would take is a sudden stop for you to face plant into a giant killer fan blade.

I was actually surprised at how we’ll this did. My Frontier does about 200-220 miles per tank towing A trailer of course it was 18,000 dollars and I don’t have to plan to find a specific fuel station or wait longer than 15 minutes to refill the tank.  Future looks bright but I’ll still wait out the early adapter

5 minutes at a gas station vs. two hours at a “fast” charging station. The complaint has always been about refueling times. A 25% increase in travel time is a significant downside.

That looks fascinating. I guess I need to work DTW into the year’s travels when this opens.

Time is money. For commuters, that can recharge overnight or at work, electric vehicles make a lot of sense. For long distances/towing they just aren’t there yet... if you factor in refuel/recharge times and availability.

Cats always drag stuff you don’t want into your house.

When my husband had a quad bypass some years ago, his heart stopped the night after the surgery, and he had to be resuscitated with the paddles. 5 weeks into his recovery, when he could safely drive again, he figured he’d better get the classic car he wanted because who knows if there will be time later. He got what

I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to drive... / ....I’m already losing fine motor skills and strength in my hands

Know what is even better for the environment? Pedal cars FTW!

I’ll consider an electric when I can have a boxy 5 door wagon that isn’t full of gimmicky features and harsh blue lighting.

Oh sure, but the world is a better place being blessed with my car’s v8 noises than ultra high frequency ev noises 

Two shades of blue (light and dark) are used on the Presidential Seal, so it’s not without precedent. If Trump doesn’t like “baby blue” he’d better redesign the Medal of Honor ribbon as well.

Be quiet. She’s about to do that shit with her hair.

I’m just here to remind everyone how excruciatingly hot Rita Hayworth was.

2 quick things.

Collins is a class act, I’ve always been impressed with his roll in the missions. random side note - i remember when i was 12 (30th anniversary year i would guess) I got one of those calls you used to get from actual telephone surveys and it was a single question: who was the third member of the Apollo 11 crew?

Well, it did come off of a long tube filled with seamen.

And, somewhere, David Tracy’s senses awaken... “Jeep?  Did someone say FLYING Jeep?”

Found this in the comment section on Youtube