

awesome thanks gents!

I have lost more than a little faith in our ability to follow treaty specifics, signed or otherwise.

Can confirm. Live there, see that on a regular basis.  Da U.P. too.

I need no reminder ........... but thanks for the eye candy none-the-less.

.....and I dont want to be distracted.......

Well that explains why black and grey are such popular colors on vehicles these days. The Amish are driving demand!

I’m willing to try a few, what suggestions or neighborhoods do you suggest?

Possibly, but aesthetics first, then function.

Ifeel a trip to DIA and Fishbones in my future.  Well it helps I can visit family too. .....

I like it in a reminisce about jellybean taurus’ kind of way.

Seriously? You want to outlaw an option? Maybe I should get to decide where you live, or when and where you can travel.

Ok I realize I’m gonna get flamed but....

So true right now. Hopefully as batteries improve the metals we currently use can be substituted for something more benign to the environment and the people that mine those minerals.

I added my star.

I built that once upon a time.

Holy crap!  Citroen was only 3 years old at the time???? That was brilliant.

Didn’t happen without photos. You are tasked with getting evidence from Alberta.

That’s the part of the story I care about ... not the damned dog.

tickled my french funnybone.