You’re right, that’s about the timeframe they sent Tony Stewart to anger management. They need to bring back Angry Tony!
You’re right, that’s about the timeframe they sent Tony Stewart to anger management. They need to bring back Angry Tony!
Saw that it was on and thought it would be interesting to watch. After less than 5 minutes I changed the channel. What a waste of resources. I get that they wanted to do something different but that was boring as f**k to watch. The safer barriers seemed to take away half of the track and the cars looked like they were…
For anyone so inclined, there's an informative piece in the NYT about how so many districts have been gerrymandered to hell and back just to ensure that the races aren't competitive. Anything to disenfranchise and maintain status quo
Why can’t we have cool looking prisons like they do in Venezuela?
This article is peak David Tracy.
yeah its more important to have AirBnB’s and floors of empty rooms that the uber rch can visit once or twice a year.
I still say if they are still insistent on mining bitcoin and nfts at least use the heat produced to heat homes for the unhoused.
That’s just crazy commie talk!
I would test drive that for sure.
I recently started rolling red lights on my way into work and don’t feel bad at all. It’s 5:30 in the morning and no one is around. I stop, look around then proceed through if it’s safe. $200 is what the fine will cost me if I ever get one. I figure it’s one of those things that if you were offered the chance to roll…
Talk about overkill. Basic sequencel timing for peak traffic hours alone would help. A basic thing far too many places do not have.
As a totally mean-spirited response to this? At the end of the day, Canadian, American and all other right winger anti-vaxxers are committing the single biggest instance of self-owning imaginable. Here in the goodle’ US of A, 2500 people are dying. Every single day. At this point almost all of them are unvaccinated…
You are a lying sack of shit. Fuck right off.
“The police chief said that a “significant element” in the United States was involved in organizing and funding the protests.“
“The protests are being supported by the vast majority of the country.”
Basically, they make electricity with hydropower. They’re like 98% renewable.
My mind is kind of blown that even in Canada there is such an absurd level of dissimilar government responses to left vs right wing protests. It’s been how many days and these guys are STILL here with more or less no action by the police or government? Maybe I am just too naïve about Canada that I assumed it was....…
You both likely have states that use fuel taxes to pay for road maintenance. Whether they do that well or not is a different story. Whether those monies are firewalled or are 100% fungible is another story.
That’s what the fifth paragraph was all about. Also, what does population size have to do with it other than there probably would be enough supply for the US to do it yet? Getting 84% of a population to buy EVs is an impressive feat whether it’s 6 million or 350 million people.
Any of the discussions regarding Norway’s oil exports aside, part of the reason why so many individuals & companies in Norway are buying EVs is because the nation is incentivizing it’s population to actually do so. Buyers of EVs receive all sorts of registration & tax breaks, key of which include no purchase/import…