But his wealth’s not liquid! He can’t just give it to his employees.
But his wealth’s not liquid! He can’t just give it to his employees.
Right. People around here would think nothing of re-fitting an old UHaul to cart their LeMons racer around. This is just how you scale that up for your annual trip to Sydney-Hobart.
Yeah, just get some real speed holes.
Uhm. uh. So?
The end goal isn’t CPS continuing to have a $9.3 billion budget every year. The end goal is educating Children. Less children should mean you don’t NEED as much money to educate them. Which is, presumably, why how much money they get is apparently based on how many students they have. (Edit: This article…
An interesting bit of information i saw on Twitter over the weekend. When people were looking into the Go Fund Me and noticed that this group was building itself up as “grass roots” yet the average donation was $700. In most donation events the average donations are in the $10-20.
“Allowed to remain” is the important part you included in that quote and then actively ignored it in order to make your own point.
They are already running out of fuel and (surprisemfer.gif) the money the organizers supposedly raised for food and fuel is not there.
They were blocking roads, urinating and defecating on national monuments, harassing and attacking people (including a soup kitchen).
That probably isn’t going to happen. The virus has already started to do what most viruses do which is to become more transmissible and less lethal. The latest, “ stealth Omicron” is even less so. But either way almost ALL of the people doing the dying now are:
A: Unvaccinated
B: Republican
they’re literally flying nazi and confederate flags.
No. David Putty the 2nd is making a good point.
Fuck these clowns.
“If you dont 100% agree with me you are a nazi or commie.”
While outright racist have always existed, it seemed like they usually kept their bullshit to themselves, grumbling their naughty words under their breath. But over the last few years they’ve become so outwardly brazen and emboldened, like something happened that made them feel more righteously comfortable to spew…
Harrassed young black people because they were in a nice newer car? Are we sure he’s not a small town cop as well?
There are NO good intentions here. It’s 100% racist, anti-government bullshit.
Almost every EV uses regenerative braking. Brake pad life is increased massively. I wouldn’t be shocked if the next generation of EVs never required pads to be changed ever.
I have an EV, so:
Couldn’t you say, vacuum operated *anything*?