Good. That fucker didn’t want to destroy it anyway, he was gonna sell that shit.
Good. That fucker didn’t want to destroy it anyway, he was gonna sell that shit.
Has this fuckface murderer sunk in to a drug aided depression yet? If not, he’ll be on TMZ in no time.
That was a GMT400. GMT800s were the next generation, 1999-2006. And that must have only been in the 1500s because my ‘95 2500 with the NV4500 doesn’t have it.
damn i thought i was the only one who ever saw that movie. God bless my little child eyes.
First order of business in fixing their mess ought to be reinstating the mandatory retirement age so that the Xers can also get out of the workforce, and that means giving Xers a massive mandatory pension too. Xers have, largely, as a demographic (as opposed to individuals who may have made good), been kept in entry…
Maybe give everyone but BH a raise and let him decide. If the demand is so high isn’t a competitor trying to snap you up?
That is the curse of modern life, be it vaccines or infrastructure. Once it is in place, it is easy to forget about it. We don’t know how good we have it. Century old water pipes burst and people forget about the reason for those required vaccines (chicken pox, for example). Sure, on occasion abridge falls, and…
...religious exemption...
I mean, are we surprised? For the entire reign of the boomers, it’s been “nah, let’s just patch it, it’ll be fine”- they spent all their power pushing off the costs to the future- why improve roads and bridges when we could cut taxes instead? why improve schools when we could just cut taxes? in fact, why do anything…
Republicans: “the Federal government is not good at governing” *Federal Government issues logical directive - Republicans ignore it and fight it in court and effect of directive is mitigated* Republicans: “see the mandate didn’t work, my grandma still died”
Unfortunately the CEO of Raytheon says otherwise
Youre very dumb.
“97 percent of its salaried and non-union workforce in the U.S.”
1st Gear: Stellantis: White collar workers are 97% vaxed while the UAW self reports 50% vaxed?
I miss having a country that built things and used tax money to do it. We are watching our country sink into ruins and keep waving the flag.
And the states that didn’t vote for it should get nothing, yep that includes my state, but F-us we deserve what we voted in.
Oh, we do have the bridges inspected. They’re usually flagged as dangerous and then just nothing happens.
It was the Jewish Space Laser!
Okay but Japan built a Gundam so maybe we should be seeing about making a battery powered Jaeger in response.