Andrew Daisuke

Automatic windows? Really?

I know everyone says that sunroofs leak and break regularly, but every car I’ve ever had that’s not a convertible has had a sunroof with not even one issue. I use them all the time when I want some open air feeling without letting it all in, like when it’s a sunny 45 degree day in the spring, too cold for windows down

Plus they break way more often

What I learned from this article is chief deputies make too much money.

*old man yells at cloud*

Missed headline opportunity: “Arizona Man Gives New Mercedes Thumbs-Down”

Complaining about electric windows is one of the most Jalopnik thing I’ve ever seen and I’ve been here for well over a decade.

Old school answer:

WHAT!? Strong disagree. I love that in every car I have. 100% it needs to have sensitivity adjustment available, and most do, but every time I get in a car that doesn’t have it I have to crank the music on the highway and then get my ears blown out when I get off. Though that might be because I drive shitboxes....

Had it on my 95 Yukon and actually miss having it. It did have an adjustment though so that you could change how much the volume increased with speed instead of it being off or on with the inevitably wrong setting from the factory. 

None. None classic car isn’t worth collecting.

Someone commented on a post of mine from like 8 years ago recently and I reread the article since I was there and damn...this site has slid so far. Its been slow, but a long way nonetheless.

I think the main problem with the Aspen and the Volare are just that they’re fucking heinous looking.

You are wrong about Elon being an idiot.

A good time to remind people that car crash scammers (into YOUR car) are still a thing.

What the hell is this list? A lot of this is just miscategorizing cars, and the other half is hating for what they are comparatively instead of thinking of what they could be with just a little bit of effort or placing them in their era.

The Monte Carlo was never a muscle car. It started out as a brougham luxury coupe,

Somehow people fucked up the primary. That said he was running against Curtis Sliwa. It’s not like the alternative was remotely reasonable. This election cycle sucked for decent choices.

In fairness, the Republican set such a low bar in the General, that Adam’s rightly cleared it. The problem was in the Dem Primary, NY’s first ever with Ranked Choice Voting, and it’s clear that those who participated blew it about as badly as those who declined.

I don’t care how rare this thing is, that’s an insane price. No other word for it. Probably didn’t cost that much when it was brand new. And as much as I like to row through the gears myself, a stick shift in a vehicle like this, hauling kids, dogs and groceries, is not something I’d consider an advantage.

I know I’ve been making a lot of arguments that start or end with “In the current car market” but I just can’t with this one. Almost $20k for a 33 year old minivan? No.