Andrew Daisuke

It’s infuriating isn’t it? 

well said. I have been known to say, “Enjoy the hour wait for the ambulance” a time or two.

These people are not “happy people”. Many of them were likely mentally unstable and/or individuals who felt aggrieved by everything before they ever participated in the January 6th insurrection; that’s probably why they got swept up in that mess in the first place. Not saying that makes it ok, or that it should reduce

Perception of reliability? The Land Cruiser and LX have been pretty much the most reliable vehicles on sale by any metric for 20 years. Seriously, go look it up.

The trouble with the LX for at least a decade has been that its styling completely turns off the traditional Land Cruiser buyer. It’s not only goppingly ugly and gawdy, but it requires a fairly heavy hand to correct for making it off-road worthy again. Also the Land Cruiser buyer typically shy away from the Lexus

Exactly. I always see this kind of thing and am grateful that I don’t spent my life being so absolutely paranoid of everything that I have to carry a damned arsenal of weapons at all times.

Many of the guys I off road have at least that in there trucks all the time. Funny thing is that they are so afraid of everything they will not even enter the city I work in (and go into everyday unarmed) for fear of people that do not look like them. The more I meet the well armed the more I see the fear in them and

The Economist has a cover article about the Republicans walking/running away from Democracy.
That these people weren’t charged with insurrection and treason and so on is further proof of the GQP’s attitudes towards freedom and fairness ie they don’t believe in it.

Another Cosplaytriot. What’s with these troglodytes and DUI’s? The woman who stole Pelosi’s sign during the Jan 6 Capitol riot killed a mother of two while driving drunk on the wrong side of the road. 

They just can’t help it. It’s like they’re fated to be exactly as stupid as the situation calls for.

At least he was only driving drunk around with a gun. Can you imagine if it was some loose cigs or a counterfeit $20 bill??? Think of the harm he REALLY could have caused.

Another member of the “well-regulated militia”?

How out of touch do you have to be to find that a crappy interior 🙄

That’s not even the same vehicle.

IMHO, Here’s what people don’t get about this type of vehicle:

Have you driven one? They’re utter crap. You’re not wrong about gas prices and the recession.. but neither is the other guy regarding the car itself.

I can’t stand that guy. And the 2022 model is 100% new compared to that one.

As someone who lives in the south, I’m begging y’all to understand that we’re also trapped by voter suppression, making it exceedingly difficult to make any changes through voting. Red states don’t have that much difference in voting demographics, we’re just gerrymandered to hell and back and already fighting corrupt

you have any proof? cause noone else claiming voter fraud has been able to prove it.  you could be a rich man instead of a crazy on the internet if you could prove it. 

The part that pissed me off even more is that they run mostly unmarked cars and have officers without markings. Not to mention that they have a massive PAID police department but a volunteer FIRE department.