Exactly. Also, there was already a labor shortage in progress BEFORE the pandemic.
Exactly. Also, there was already a labor shortage in progress BEFORE the pandemic.
It’s called subsidized labor, and it’s the core of every labor shortage going on right now. Wages so low for the job that the people doing it are only doing it because they’re being subsidized by some other external factor that isn’t in the control of the employer. A lot of people just said ‘fuck it, this isn’t worth…
yeah turns out kind of a lot of people died
A seasonal job is no use to someone who needs permanent employment. In fact it is worse than useless; every day you are out doing a seasonal job, is a day you can’t spend searching for a permanent one.
I have no issue with the guy, and I am sure he is a solid dude that cares about his community. My criticism is directly aimed at the veracity and effectiveness of what he is teaching.
True, I always learn something from Tom McParland.
Yeah.. could be. The most-clicked stuff isn’t junk like this though.
So... we’re trying to normalize criminals now? This is immature and you need to rethink this take.
Embarrassing transition and conclusion to this article. I say this as a pinko commie with very, very lefty politics, particularly when it comes to inequality and taxation. This makes the rest of us on the left look silly.
Detroit D.U.S.T. is a clown. Please don’t view any of his videos -- he doesn’t deserve the added visibility.
Which is why NFTs are the biggest scam in history.
If you’re looking for a positive spin, although most states have trucks as the top sellers, over 125 million Americans live in states where they aren’t. Roughly 40%.
So glorified pokemon and Baseball cards.
I want to know the source of the money being used to buy this stupid NFT shit.
According to the z06 forums, you’re about 5 years about from getting one at msrp.
“I immediately had an Xpel ppf coating put on all the paint and a ceramic coating put on over that.”
Your clutch doesn’t need an adjustment, you need a new throwout bearing (and you might as well put a clutch in it while you are in there). But it might go a long, long time like that, just don’t hold the pedal to the floor at lights - put it in neutral and let the clutch out to save as much wear and tear as possible.
Oh wait, I see the issue right there in your photos...it’s a ‘96 Pontiac Firebird.