Andrew Alonso-Emanuel

I get that. I have some friends who hated that part too. I didn't mind because most of my more personal writing I've done during college, so I just hated seeing the your essay is only 74% original, and then having the professor read it and basically go that it flagged poorly.

Turnitin was something I thankfully dealt with only in high school, but it is truly awful at recognizing plagiarism. I would sections of my paper flagged that I wrote without copying anything, but any sections I did basically plagiarize were not flagged when I change up two words in a paragraph. Also I quite enjoyed

I will proudly plant my flag of pride in Sonic Heroes. I love that game to death.

oh wow thank you, I think that kind of even further drives home how little credit any of the younger Janes get.

*clap* *clap* (Jessica Jones was awesome by the way)

Forgot to mention that this whole song just seems to be taking the agency away from the guy to make his own decisions.

But what is not superficial about the description of nerd Taylor. All the comparisons seem to just be about surface level things not actual personality a person is not bad for being popular inherently nor is an unpopular person good so then why does she deserve the guy more than popular Taylor? Without the music video

Sure but many things in life have some risk and a 2-3% failure rate with people who are responsible and get tested is not that high of a risk. I'm personally not a fan or one-night stands nor would I go to a sex party but I respect that I am not the only person in the universe and other people see sex and

I disagree with it being improbable, it really depends on what the parent holds dear. Dr. M here obviously cared much more about being able to keep an open line of communication with her daughter and was willing to give up some power. The other important point here is that she probably hated herself when she realized

That was beautiful also does that mean this show will include an intergalactic romance between Kimmy and Liz because I support that.

I agree completely, I guess after a season of almost all of the top 3 being interesting even if it was a blowout we get this season where it's a competition between a boring queen, a bitchy queen and the only actually interesting queen, Violet.

I honestly support a big queen winning but I really dislike Ginj. Maybe if she hadn't fabricated so much of herself throughout I wouldn't hate her but she rags on Violet and other competitors not in the sense of reading them but just being cruel sometimes. My favorite would have been Katya but I can be happy if Violet

I mean I would peg him as the Logan because he would totally bring out the worst in Liv, and there was not a damn healthy thing about Veronica and Logan's relationship (even though I hated Piz on the first watch through). In related news I really like Lowell as a character because he presents the idea of moving

At least that's what I think, I mean it looks like Pearl's room and as much as the shipping isn't quite canon it is the only reason I could think of for the scene.

I thought the real Rose-Pearl ship evidence was the tear from off screen in Pearl's room, but that seemed almost too overt.

okay that makes a lot more sense

I think it was both but it was kind of an awful storyline and to put her in another pregnancy storyline seems kind of bad as it really limits what Adalind gets to do.

I truly imagine that that yell was not Adalind yelling, but Claire Coffee at the prospect of another pregnancy storyline.

Yeah, I miss some of the old characters, but I think I'm happier with them kind of growing new characters while we see the senior (or super senior for those couple characters they cheat in for an extra season) year of old characters. I think Glee would have benefited from adding some freshmen in season 3 because I

I kind of wish back in season 4/5 Glee had gone "Degrassier" because, I would have preferred having these kids then with seasons to develop them only occasionally checking in on graduates. DeGrassi may be as soaptastic as teen shows get but it does keep itself moving by making much cleaner breaks when the cast