Andrew Alonso-Emanuel

I spent the entire review trying to see if there was anything I recognized from the book, yet I found nothing recognizable. Cyberbullying not in the book, the She's all that plotline also not there, hell the only thing recognizable is the names and even then half the main characters aren't even there. I think this

The book was quite interesting, though it actually also played off the fact that a duff need not be ugly rather they are just the least attractive of a group. The movie does look terrible though because besides the title they don't appear to have anything in common. My guess is execs saw this as a popular book and

SAB is good with short arcs but a lot of its longer arcs are terrible, basically all of the season before this was Daphne ( the main deaf girl) being a terrible human being to everyone and everyone making excuses for her. Now that they have moved off of that arc the show has become much more enjoyable and the last

I think the main way of showing it was having bay explain the whole story to the investigator and have that result in his expulsion. There were other characters along the way that also thought that he deserved punishment. Even Mary Beth's comment doesn't defend that tank did not still hold enough responsibility to get

I think both Tank and Bay were too drunk to have sex the reason why rape charge falls to Tank is as far as we know he was both less drunk and the one who initiated the actual act of sex, while being aware that Bay was nigh unconscious, while I still don't see Tank as a terrible person, he went a bridge too far so his

The kidnapping thing was kind of in the back of my head but I honestly had no clue it would ramp up so quickly, my brain doesn't actually switch off during Jesus stories mostly because I am busy staring at his abs but god how much I hate myself for wanting him to have a storyline where he showed off his body and

I wish there were more people willing to make situations like this safe for everyone but until then I will at least make sure I can be there for a friend when they need it.

I agree, I mean there are people who think the yes means yes law is terrible because they think that it will cause too many incidents of false rape claims (because 2-4% is totally the majority of cases and a large enough number to cause all the bs about being unsure of whether the case is legitimate or not) but I

I don't feel like Tank was preying on her so much as he was terrified, to some extent he knew he fucked up but at the same time he didn't feel he should made into a pariah for one mistake. I think Tank overall was a good character for this storyline because he is normally such a kind and considerate person and I think

I think my favorite part of how they handled this is having Tank's side be the one that actually started the investigation. Though Tank felt he was in the right how he described the events still fit the bill of rape, meaning that mens rea while important does not completely control whether something is wrong. I hope

Peek-a-boo may not be an A-list villain but she was awesome to watch in action with her spyglass. I want to see her more because her design just feels so cool even if she isn't all that poweful, though next time she should really bring a flashlight to go with her spyglass.

I legitimately thought the hit was because the manticore broke section 32 in killing in front of people and so they did the suicide hit for that, though seriously not even an encrypted iPad, this guy kind of sucks at being subtle.

I wasn't offended but my issue came that them making up the rules while using actual cards kept distracting me from the real jokes, I would rather it be all totally made up things so then I wouldn't get lost in their weird redefining of jargon.

understanding magic actually makes this episode so much worse. They kind of beat you over the head with using names of real cards and totally made up rules that get grating. I think the best level is to know someone who plays magic. because a lot of the jokes make sense without also having the knowledge that they are

I feel like I understand Jane's point very well. Michael did in a lot of ways betray everything she stood for, he made up for it on his own but by not telling Jane when she gave the perfect opportunity to he kind of shot the relationship in the foot. Now I think Jane did handle it more poorly then she could have, I

fair enough I just feel like they would have been better if they just gave her something realistic from the beginning rather than pretending no one would notice.

I think the one thing that really bothers me is they could easily drop all the issues by just making shit up. Say "Oh yeah we met Trubel as a suspect but found out she actually had an airtight alibi since then we have actually gotten pretty close and when she told us she wanted to be a criminology student we wanted to

By petition gets them put on the actual ballot. Write-in is just an empty slot that someone can put anyone's name in.

It took me until this episode to go: "oh hey he's supposed to be the
Kalinda for Annalise" because he is so entirely terrible at his job.

There is a slight problem with the theory Ward don't give a shit, as the Lorelei episode revealed he is in love with someone.
I can only see three theories that would work with both these episodes: 1. He is a triple agent as many have suggested here and still in love with Skye; 2. (my favorite) He is a double agent in