
Ha. Ref's best efforts to give game to Brazil by having free-for-all ultimately backfires in long run


Driver was drunk and rammed celebrating bystanders. Nothing to do with nationality. Don't be racists.

My cousin was just out of frame and he said the asshat driver did indeed floor it and almost hit a group of people prior to this happening.

We do it too but for baseball, people smash shit when they win and when they don't it's not a Colombian thing. While people do think of cocaine they also realize that's more the past than the present. I think wildlife and scenery when I think of Colombia, I think this:

Here´s a video where they explain what really happened. It is in spanish so I´ll just translate the important facts: the guy was parked in the closed street (closed by the police for the celebration). He then decided to leave, ramming a couple and a child in the process. Things obviously got ugly at that point and

Step 2.2 - Swear revenge upon the Automotive engineer that placed the oil filter in a location that when it's removed it dumps oil all over other parts of the car.

This could seep into my water supply. Metaphorically speaking.


Player of the Tournament so far

Well, it doesn't work on 4chan.

No they are ripping them because they have recalled over 20 million vehicles. There is a difference between being proactive and recalling every vehicle you have made.

*realizes Messi is 27 years old*

*looks at 28 year old self in bathroom mirror*

*blueprints suicide while in bathroom*

Can we get back SD card support? KitKat really fckd up my phone.

My PS4 arrives on Friday, downloading this is the first objective. Even if the mission is under two hours, i'm a No Kills/Alerts/Continues run guy so i'm guessing it's going to take me a while.

"The Tickler, Polliver, Weese, Chyswyck, Dunsen, Raff the Sweetling, The Mountain, Ser Meryn Trant, Ser Ilyn Payne, The Hound, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei, and after the display I just witnessed against Italy, Biter" - Arya Stark

Japan was getting a little frisky today as well, especially the amount of slides they were doing, If Colombia keeps playing the way they did today, they deserve to win it all!

Still, I didn't think they would pull something so sneaky. What really bugs me about it is that last week's episode was SO GOOD, mostly thanks to the emotional build-up of Heller slowly inching toward death, and everyone around him reacting accordingly. We got to see Audrey lash out at the people she loves — I wanted


Attention: 24 fans—No recap this week because I'm really angry at the show after what they pulled last night. (There will be spoilers in the comments here.) We'll return next week. Maybe.