lol what? It has a single disc player and some pretty old school H&K speakers.
lol what? It has a single disc player and some pretty old school H&K speakers.
I was lucky enough to get an M Coupe at 20 (two years ago), but the difference is I paid for it myself and I'm guessing this one did not. (I got an AWESOME deal). Protip: Get your kids on a track and let them find out A) How drive properly (not hold the wheel like an asshat) and B) how fast things can go wrong. I…
Got to drive an SLR one time. That was nuts.
it has to be him. There's no way that voice is not Cera's voice.
that would be AWESOME!!
It's been a pleasure reading your posts Tom. Hopefully we will still see you lurking in the comments section from time to time.
Cool burban for sure, but in my experience things are always rougher in reality than they look in pictures. This looks pretty rough.
Thanks. Now I need a new set of trousers.
I just came here to say: HOLY FUCKING SHIT.
That gif is awesome. And yes, I read them because they are terrific.
Gross. A 300.
That buys you a mint condition S54 powered M coupe.
Currently, I am working on my 1979 110 Right hand drive Land rover in front of my bike shop.
pretty sure that's a lambo, dude
I only saw one while I lived there. In the Domain. Of course you see everything in The Domain.