
As a former owner, I can vouch for how fucking fun these things are. Fun as fuck. Going to pickup some smokes? Get ready to show off to the neighborhood squirrels. Did it rain? Get ready for some motherfucking tokyo drift. I'm lucky enough to have driven some damn cool cars (SLR McLaren, Gallardo, TriumphTR,


I just came here to say that I don't give a shit what anyone says. I had an auto TDI wagon exactly like the one in the photo and it was fucking badass. I like my 335i more because 6spd and oppo, but the jetta was a badass ride. Give it a manual and AWD, and holy shit awesome. Just awesome for awesomeness sake.

I lol'ed

I LOVE living in texas

The zero is added with the optional penis enlargement pump

No you've got it all wrong! That wing requires Ferrari's special lightweight Carbon fibre re-fueling attachment. It's only a mere $9,999 option and it comes with the added convenience of being forced to sit in the passenger floorboard allowing it to roll around and remind you just how fast you're going and

Damn, that bike is so sexy.

"Did I pop a tire?" is always the proper first question to ask after automotive disaster strikes.

I can also kill myself, but luckily I don't want that.

I'll take two.

WOW. that's some very interesting observations and data.

599 anyone?

I have mine setup to drop the seat and wheel simultaneously when the v-tec kicks in, yo. Lowers the overall center of gravity and helps the car settle into the road when I hit the low 300s.

Isn't everything north of Manhattan upstate? /imfromtexas

never gets old

If this guy somehow ends up with a two wheeled vehicle, it probably should be pedal powered. A crash like that would kill you. #twowheelsawesomebutdangerous #squids

The veyron. I mean really, who needs anything near that in a road car?

Pininfarina has some interns on the interwebz obviously.