Even though 5k could fetch me many other fun vehicles, the Brat is just one of my fantasies. NP
Even though 5k could fetch me many other fun vehicles, the Brat is just one of my fantasies. NP
maybe she was a Mr. at one time?
holy god that entire area looks wonderful
might not be the twistiest, PCH does a good job of that. But it's one the twisties I can enjoy most in Texas, a state not known for its twisties.
Ja. Vell ze ting is I cannot afford to have anozzer ticket on mein Porsche. Is zere somezing I could do for you, or perhaps somezing my wife could do? Perhaps there is somezing you vould like to do to herr?
+1. I lol'ed. Hats off to Mr. Spinelli
Wait, his dog booze?
That is horrible. Whoever worked on that car deserves death.
that car is secks
no laughing matter. It's unfuckingbelieveably hot here in College Station (just moved from austin 2 weeks ago, work) I had to miss autox and this because of a damn family event. Sucked.
someone get the camera guy to the hospital. He's obviously having a seizure.
bill caswell is sad
Steel Grey is the shit. Gorgeous car in that color. Congrats on that and the S54.
If one of us was a loan officer, we'd probably fuck up the economy faster than we could destroy a set of tires in a CTS-V.
another one of my favs
fleet of miatas?
I have wet dreams about living a life like that.