Information Channel 3

I painted my nails like an American flag. I thought about how unpatriotic I feel at this very moment, and got pissed off that racists and sadists and fascists have monopolized ownership of our national identity for the past 4+ years centuries, and decided that I, too, get to wear the flag and I can wear it in the name

That’s why the rich hate unions. They know how powerful a united working class is.

Yes, we must tax the rich. Yes, we must wrest political power from the rich so that they don’t have it all. But if

Just like when Democrats fail working class people and are challenged, Union leadership that fails must be challenged.

Labor Needs a Party

The United States is unique among Western democracies. We do not, and have never really had, a party of labor.

Find the kitty.

I took a job last year running a facility in the Chicagoland area that had a union drive come in about a week after I was hired to manage it. The corporate union-busting team descended quickly, barricading themselves (and me) in an empty office to discuss tactics. My training immediately stopped and I was to work 7

The FBI is a reactionary organization that has always been hostile to labor movements such as our teachers’ strike in Los Angeles. We harbor no doubts that the FBI has attempted to insert agents provocateurs into our ranks, or that the FBI’s infiltrators are preparing a list of our members to be singled out for

Thank you friend. I wish more people shared that belief.