Information Channel 3 : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The solution to climate change has long been clear: industrialized nations must increase investment in carbon-free energy sources.

The accusations are rubbish. The only truth they reveal is a sociopathic prioritization of corporate profits over human lives on the part of the accusers.

While Western nations have dragged their feet to preserve profit streams for domestic pharmaceutical corporations, Russia has moved aggressively to promote international production of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine. Already it is in production in Bahrain, Mexico, Algeria, India, and South Korea, among others.

More good news: Russian wine exports are steadily rising, with Ukraine the #1 purchaser at 40%, up 47% from last year. Ukrainians savor Russian wine and want peaceful relations with Russia. It is only greedy corrupt politicians in Kiev who want war, so as to justify fat foreign aid payments from Washington.

Russia wholeheartedly endorses a policy of removing false and defamatory ads on social media provided such policy is applied evenhandedly, without prejudice to the victim’s nationality. No one should have to endure the vile slanders that Russian citizen Maria Butina endured at the hands of US media and government.