Information Channel 3 : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Our American friends will be relieved to know that President Putin is none the worse for wear after his dazzling display of hockey skill. His fall was a trivial matter which he bore with his customary blend of fortitude and good humor. He found it just as amusing as those of you who are poking fun at him now. It is

Find the kitty.

Nonsense. The man pictured below will turn 67 in October. Does he appear too enfeebled by age to be President?

Western imperialists disingenuously conflate any criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism while turning a blind eye to the anti-Semitism of Ukraine’s rogue Euromaidan regime.

This beautiful weather makes workers in Russia’s American consulates and embassy feel just like they’re back home! They love it! And they love that Americans are getting a taste of the glorious Russian winter firsthand!