White people are the worst!
White people are the worst!
Its 2019 and you are still calling black women “colored” and “spades”. Tell me again why you are on a site like the Root, I think StormFront would be more to your liking
Oh Sol, it’s getting sad at this point. You made yourself look silly in a comment section on the internet, it’s not the end of the world. I think I may have discouraged you, but I now think at your level you should stick to making “Fuck you, troll” type comments. Debating just highlights how dumb you are, its not for…
“Why don’t they explain to the “good” white why POC don’t have to explain anything to them?”
OK fine - black folx will run for office and say “fuck off” when asked about their policies. Great strategy, see how far that gets you. How is the concept of demographics this hard for you?
You got me again Sol. You are the bad-boy of the Root comments with your edgy use of the “f word.” There is just no beating you, you’re too good.
I’m sorry you feel that way, not sure what I said that was racist. I am genuinely curious, do you think arguing this way is effective? Absolutely nothing I said was racist unless you think talking accurately about the demographics of the United States is racist. You do know that African Americans are a minority, right?
“explain to the “good” white why POC don’t have to explain anything to them” - I wonder how I could interpret that as her saying black candidates don’t need to explain anything to white people. Maybe YOU need to work on your reading comprehension.
You actually took the time to type that comment, and then added “that’s how words work.” Actually gives me chills thinking about you typing that at the end of a comment and thinking you are clever. Anyways, you obviously can’t come up with a substantive argument so feel free to ignore my comments, I think I’m a bit…
Ok...I guess you got me Sol??? How do you fucking know what I really think?
Alright...well...kind of rude to say that about people who just got fired...but I guess whatever
To me it sounded like she was saying a black candidate doesn’t have to explain anything to white people and I simply said that is not an effective way to win elections. She clarified further and I accepted the clarification. Not sure what you think I “really think”.
I hear you. I was asked to perform in a skit at work that involved blackface. I obviously refused and ended up taking a smaller role as a back-up dancer, but DID NOT wear any make-up on my face!
The type of stuff should not be brushed under the rug. I think they are starting to make lists of people who did blackface so people will never forget. Thats a step in the right direction.
Same. Although I became woke a little earlier than you, around 7 or 8. People, a lot of them black, used to compliment me often on my level of wokeness and were surprised by how young I was.
I love how you are just letting yourself off the hook on this one. You participated in a racist rally at a day camp, I you are just hand-waving it away. Have you at least tried to apologize to any of the black folx in your life?
We should come up with some sort of camps to put white people in to educate them. Once they have constantly learned and thought about history, as is their responsibility, they can be let out of the camps, BUT only after they have thoroughly apologized, FOR EVERYTHING.
OK fair enough, I guess I didn’t pick up on the fact you were speaking strictly about politicians talking about race. I just think in most cases to get elected, obviously depending on the district, you are going to need white support. It’s just a fact of demographics. I don’t think politicians should pander to whites,…
I see your point but calling them “fat” that was cut off isn’t a compliment. It implies they needed to be removed.
Thought it was a type-o at first, but you did indeed call him “rump”!!!! These comments have me rolling.